Meredith Lee

The glass door thing really upset me too….is there someone in here that can verify it but putting aside the cost of fixing the glass door, wouldn't there be some severe legal repercussions for basically breaking into a pharmacy and taking the drugs?

well, yeah 'cause as soon as Felix stressed that….you knew what would happen and the comedy of errors that would take place.

Very true! I don't think it's a Savage issue….I think it's a writing issue. They should have developed his character more. He does have range and does have the capability to do it….they should have given him more to play with instead of letting him play it safe


I have found that there are a lot of "willing suspension of disbelief" moments in this series. Granted, most people can tell from a mile away if there is something off with their pet that they love and adore….but okay, let's just go with it

I would have loved a scene where Max just snaps and yells at all of them about how horrible they are to him. They not only forget his birthday but the other negative things that happen to him later on (I think we all know by now but I won't spoil it just in case) happen as a direct and/or indirect result of those

It seemed really mean especially since Max seems to be the type of character who would never forget a birthday. They do a whole big thing for Sam who kinda sucks and they do nothing for him and yet he's the most likable of the six. There were no apologies and no event, nothing…..but when they need Max, he's there. I

I didn't think you were hating on Pheebs! But with Friends, you got why they liked her after a few episodes. She was Monica's roommate and it was typically whatever Monica said was what would happen….and also she was kind of Joey's other half….they established the character which they didn't do with Marianne. Also,

I thought this episode was okay…I didn't love the whole madcap part of it and the fact that he's having an affair….and trying to get pregnant. I didn't like the fact that they threw a chair through the glass door and there were no repercussions from that? I mean, that seems rather illegal to me? Ethan isn't a

Huh? Why free me?! Ha, ha…..

He wasn't on Ally McBeal! Ha, ha….I thought it was just part of his shtick. There was no reason then for him to have "uncomfortable" voices.

Billy Eichner being subdued makes me sad….I mean, yay, he's a good actor but I like the screaming on the streets Billy Eichner

I liked GirlBoss….she was unlikable but she was also good at her job and there was method or a reason for what she was doing.

I don't know how to do that so I just clicked forward…..that worked too!


I thought of something that might have made the whole book thing a little more realistic….if both Shawna and Ethan are Max's clients, suggesting Shawna and Ethan collaborate on something together might have made it funny….or grounded a little bit in reality. Max could still be there to help but he could be guiding

seriously, just skip to the Fred Savage parts and it's not that bad if you watch that way!

True if it was real life….I think because I hated the rest of the episode, I just took the guys goofing off as comic relief and not as cringy as the other plot with the girls. It was the lesser of two evils….now if it was real life, who does that?! It's totally disrespectful and shows that they're just stunted in

At least with Phoebe—especially at the beginning—you did understand why she was there and it was even kind of explained in a later episode when it was revealed that Phoebe wanted to cut Monica out of her life but Monica wouldn't let her. Phoebe was Monica's roommate and Monica didn't let people she cared about out of

See, that's the only part I did enjoy in that episode. Those parts and the part where they're running late at night…I preferred that far more than the girls night out scenes