Meredith Lee

How is this Lucy biopic going to be different then all the other movies about Lucy and Desi? I've probably seen every movie that's aired about them, even those home movies, read all the books…..how will this be different?

that's fine

Yeah, I'll probably end up watching a second season as well and I hope they do course correct and make it all about Max!!!! Max, Max, Max, Max, Max!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mad Max!!! More Max!!!! All about Max……Max singing Joe Cocker's "I Get By with a Little Help from My Friends"….wait, that might be too far!

Because it's that character….I'm coming upon the last year of my 30's in a week and I still love that song! It's just a fun, happy song, you can't help kind smile at it and I could totally see Max rocking out to that. He's just so excited about everything and I think for that character, it worked

When Lisa confessed to the affair, didn't it seem like Ethan was just going to let her take the fall and let Lisa play the "bad guy" or do you think the fact that she knew he was cheating and didn't admit even after she confessed was what made her tell Ethan they needed a break?

I did love Germann's response to the bulletproof windows— "we're not that important!" I think it summed up the series completely!

maybe he did….but then it healed fast!

I didn't like this either….he would have found himself unemployed if this had happened! That's not a small mistake….I would have been more impressed if the reveal had been Max knew all long it wasn't Ethan's book and was screwing him over!

And also a car rolling on top of someone's foot apparently causes no damage!!!!

same here and it's not because I've fallen down a Fred Savage wormhole recently watching his shows and interviews

And property damage with no consequences…..Fred Savage must have really strong feet though, to have a car basically drive over his foot and he's fine. Maybe it's the biking?

Thank you! I just wanted back up!!!

"You must be loaded!"
They gave Fred Savage all of the best lines! His lines were the ones I actually laughed at. No one else's.

The Fred Savage MmmmBop dance sequence was my favorite. I think someone needs to just put together a video of Savage dancing in various forms from Wonder Years to now. I would do it but I don't know how and I don't want to. I thought his part was hilarious and I did laugh at his line when everyone clapped at the party

well, my crush on Neil Patrick Harris aka Doogie has been going strong for at least 30 years and he still doesn't know…..:P

There wasn't….we didn't know anything really about Nick until this episode

And most of the time, how the series begins is not how it ends up. I mean, in the beginning Orange is the New Black concentrated solely on Piper but I guess they realized that Piper would eventually have to leave prison and they've concentrated on everyone else so if Piper gets out next season…we have a lot of other

I just thought Leslie Knope in the first season of Parks and Rec was like the female Michael Scott but they changed her completely in the second season. I also didn't really like the first season of 30 Rock. I was very much on Team Studio 60 which should have gotten a second season….

I don't remember the first season of The Office but I remember hating the first season of Parks and Rec but loving it as it went on and now think it was one of the best shows on television….so maybe that'll happen to this show.

To be honest, I do hope they get a second season…maybe they'll take in the reviews, make some changes and then maybe they'll have a better second season….wishful thinking?