
Well there's an episode of Black Mirror where that happens, The Waldo Effect I believe. Except that the topical comedian is a silly cartoon character, just to make it perfectly clear what Charlie Brooker thinks of celebrities turned "political disruptors". It was more a dig at that annoying british guy who got famous

Jesus violently fucking Christ, seriously? "Hero"? "sacred space of the theater"? "superior film that should have no trouble capturing the attention of the average human"?
I just cringed so badly I may not be able to take a shit in weeks. There should be a warning on this article, "If you read this, your retinas may

I've just finished the season and I agree, it did feel more relaxed, almost like in the second one they were trying something which they decided not to do this time.

The only thing I really disliked was the clunky death scene they gave Ophelia, that was a massive special effects failure when whoever was acting as Ghost Rider Coulson was evidently told he was supposed to grab Ophelia by her pant leg fabric in order to lift her, and so we have Ghost Rider awkwardly closing his fist,

This is great news, this show was awful. As a Gen Xer myself, this show was that guy who has decided you and him are buddies because once he heard you two shared some vague connection, and now keeps trying to force in-jokes and nudging you and winking at you while pathetically trying to mock others expecting you to

Dr. Ken was cancelled too? Oh joyous day! That show was terrible. It honestly depressed me to see Ken Jeong in that show and McHale in this one. Doesn't Alison Brie have a budding movie career? She seems to be getting more work in relatively big movies than any of the other Community actors, I mean she's still mostly

Is it the camera bobbing? One of the first things I did was turn that thing off. Although now that I think about it, whenever I come back to Minecraft after not playing it for some months, I do get dizzy for the first couple of hours.

'Splash', when I was around six years old. I don't really remember the details, nor precisely what scene may have caused the problem, probably a scene in which the mermaid's fish tail features prominently. Whatever it was, for some time after that I would refuse to drink anything from opaque containers, especially

"MADRES!" Oh my god that was such a beautiful and perfect little moment when Yo-Yo (I still hate that nickname) exclaimed that. I'm gonna say that wasn't in the script and was all the actress' idea, because that's the kind of detail non-native Spanish speakers would hardly think to include. "Madre" is probably the

Here's how the sequels goes: The mimics get a transmission in their homeworld about the defeat on Earth (could also be their deep space armada instead of homeworld), they reset the time further back and this time realize they have to eliminate Blunt and Cruise's characters much earlier. So even before the invasion

Wow, this arc has rally belonged to Iain "the actor playing Fitz whose last name I dare not write without looking it up", he's been acting the shit out of Fitz. As to who may be coming back, I relly, really hope it isn't Ward, I was so sick of Ward by the second season, and they just kept bringing him back, maybe it

Harmon has said in a couple of his podcasts that he's very similar to Chevy Chase, I think the quote was "we're the same person".

It's very hard for me to not see Rick as Harmon's masturbatory fantasy of himself. "I'm so smart I can do anything I want! Only I'm able to see through the bullshit! All laws are slavery! Oh but in truth I'm such a tragic personality, nobody knows my deep, deep pain". I'm going to predict that at some point we'll get

I've heard it turned out all that joyful coming together was actually terrible for everybody else who wasn't Doug and his brother and that guy who ran the channel. It seems everybody was prety mistreated by the brother and the other guy and Doug just pretended the world was a great place. The guy who did the effects,

Let's be honest, Jerry has always been right. I hope they don't actually ditch the character, I hope we find him later having a normal and happy life. Actually, I hope Beth finds him happy in a new normal life, becuse I'm hoping that, if there's going to be any sort of redemption in this show, it'll be Beth realizing,

Wait, we stoped caring about deleted scenes? Why didn't anybody tell me?! I always have to find out like this that I don't like something anymore, which I've been believing all this time that I still liked.

Yep, that happened to me too. But I swore off most fantasy with a book I tracked down for over a year because the summary read great, turned out the summary was exclusively about the portions of the story focusing on the role playing game the actual characters were playing, and their "real life" was unbearably corny,

The effect was alredy being felt, after all the sequel was an entirely different story the publishers convinced Card to turn into an Ender book. But I can see what you mean about the movies, "This Summer comes the beggining of the End, Ender's Game III: Catching Ants, Part I".

Exactly, which I guess is understandable, gotta milk that cow till it bleeds.

Thank you, but no thank you. I'm so done with series I'm not even going to read The Dark Tower, which I skipped for decades waiting for it to be done.