
All right, so what is it with Netflix Marvel shows an replacing good villains with silly ones? In Luke Cage they had a great villain in Cottonmouth, I'll go so far as to say that it was one of the best Marvel villains mainly because he had a story outside of Cage in this iteration of the characters, then they go and

This series needed to either be longer, like full season long to take it's time in establishing each character and why they should care about the Hand, and to make all the interpersonal moments truly earned. Or shorter, like five episodes long, just longer enough than a movie to quickly establish the stakes and bring

Yes, I guess I did bought the whole Lifetime Movie thing.

Oh, so it's been revealed already? I totally called it from like episode two, and stoped watching on episode four I think. Still no actual mist monsters I gather, just ghostly things and insects? So basically this show is saying that those who are different and deviate from the established norm and tradition are evil

That's it? It's much less annoying than I'd been expecting it to be since I first saw a Facebook contact throw a fit over the fact that this song is popular. I mean I won't be listening to it again on purpose, but I've definitely been forced to listen to much worst, very popular crap than this.

Well it's a known fact that men evolved to be better at writting code, it's simple biology, just like how Ultra Tigers evolved to be invulnerable and to have plasma claws… wait, what megayear is this? Oh no, never mind then, you're barely out of the stone age, you don't even have utility fog yet!

Yep, I loved the season except for that little bit. Actually, I thik in the very last episode, Hardy's virtuousness came across a little off, I'd liked it better if certain scenes would have had women exclusively, without Hardy there as the Beacon of Notallmen-ines Hope. Yes we all know Hardy is good, great actually

That will be revealed later, it's not from the previous season, it's stuff happening in the background that the viewer doesn't know about because Hardy is clueless about it.

The details are not too fresh in my memory, but I don't think there was any information loss, that's an incident you'll find out more about later on, when Hardy himself finds out. Papa bear Hardy is a sight to behold.

I'll give one thing to this mess of a show, I was not expecting Nathalie Raven to become the deranged cult leader she's clearly going to become, I had assumed she'd be the one they kill, Salem style, when fanatic fervor reaches it's peak.

I'm almost afraid to say this, but I wish they'd go all out and have the Doctor regenerate into Pearl Mackie, having something similar to how Twelve looked like the guy from fires of Pompeii because he wanted to remind himself of being compassionate, only in this case doing it to remind himself that he sometimes fucks

I just have to say that the thing I absolutely loved was finding out why Missy first showed up along with the VR Cybermen.
Also, I kinda wish this could have been the show's finale. If the next season goes wrong, like by having the next Doctor be yet another white dude, I think I may make this my headcanon finale.

The bigger mystery is how this episode got a B. Somewhere within the offices where people write this show, they have a wall where and unknown hand carved a checklist of all the post apocalyptic "character atributes and development" cliches; legend has it that whosoever writes two lines of script without hitting at

I'm right there with you. I like Rick and Morty as a funny silly show full to the brim with sci-fi references, homages, satire and mockery. But going by what I've seen from the fandom, apparently it's actually a sequel to Cosmos, a philosophy masterclass and a guide to life. It's the fucking House effect all over

I think it looked like that until some time around the early second season, but by the third it was a mop head that clearly nobody cared about how it looked. I don't remember the episode but I do remember noticing the plummet in shits given.

The moment I saw Mia kill that guy by stabbing the air about a meter from his stomach with the pitchfork, I knew we were in for a ride, a shitty, shitty ride. That looked awful and the fact they didn't care to fix it says a lot. Also, they're adapting The Mist, which already had a movie adaptation, and they end the

I'm so happy they finally got rid of that dead dog they kept putting on Rose McIver's head. I'm sure they must have had several wigs, but I swear it looked like they only had the one and were afraid to wash it in case it fell appart. And I suspect she's also happy. And I really hope they don't bring it back. Am I the

It has been a very good show. I'm wondering if they're priming Bilquis for something really big in the second season. If they've prevented her from having a voice just so that when she gets one it's a massively powerful one. The only thing that's been bothering me is that up to this point I don't think they've made

First Yahoo Screen and now SeeSo. Dan Harmon is unstoppable. Who will be the next victim of the Harmoncurse?

Trump as a tall blonde man eh? I've been saying this, it wasn't 1984, it wasn't The Handmaid's Tale people, it's Swastika Night, look it up, read it, Burdekin saw this coming, only she assumed it would be Hitler. Where else is the MRA and red piller and MGTOW love affair with the right is going to lead but the future