
You know what I miss? The good old stand alone book. I get that publishers prefer signing authors for multibook contracts, but I hate an unfinished story so much that I find myself more and more passing on books whenever I see the dreaded "part 1 of the Mists of Ember Ash Shadow Series". Besides the fact that so often

I think there's a very interesting subject there: often small movies about characters at the end of their rope can feel much more "apocalyptic" than big movies about the potential end of the world, I guess the point is, the world is always ending for someone and it's from that fact that apocaliptic narrative really

I liked it, and I especially liked seeing Danny Pudi landing on an actually funny show after the horrendous fates of Ken Jeong and Joel McHale.

Wait, did I miss something or did we never actually got to know why the Nightingale killer stoped in the original timeline? That was one of the things I was most interested in finding out, but now it seems like it was all just pilot episode weirdness. I mean, it had to have been something related to Frank's original

I love Jen Kirkman. Found out about her on Netflix with that "I'm gonna die alone" special and immediately fell in love with her comedy.

I don't even remember the last time a character's face/heel turn actually kinda hurt me. This was amazing. I was convinced that after the break, it was going to turn out that it was the guy from the Bad Place disguised as Michael. I don't even like Ted Danson, I began watching this show in spite of him, but damn he

That sounds nice, diderotian even, up to the point you realizee the way things are going, the ones more likely to take them to that basement and give them the romanov treatment are actual nazis. Its gonna be really ironic when french nazis cross the channel to kill the german royals of the United Kingdom of England

That's because that kind of mythology is sci-fi for filthy casuals. Just like the best part of the mythology of fantasy cults ends up being cut from the released version, and you have to get the apocrypha extras. I mean, I would have enjoyed the hell out of the bible if the nephilim had had a mayor role, instead of a

Gosh, why do you people have to be so xenuphobic? Stop it with your obscene dog whistles! Um, something, something marcab confederacy.

I must say this worries me, it looks as if Ridley Scott is not following through bridging the gap between the Alien franchise and Christian cosmogony. Unless… is the couple in the shower not married?

You know, considering 2016 and the fact that it's not over yet, that "More to come…" sounds really foreboding. What do you know that you're not telling us, A.V. Club?

This makes it official, 2016 is a Sith Lord.

Plot twist: Dunham turns out to be a sabotage android created by The Conservatives literally out of straw and planted among the progressive ranks to seed confussion. Further plot twist, she is not aware of this. In the last scenes of the season finale, just as the future of the show is in doubt due to low ratings, we

Well I myself welcome our new Musical Overlords and their Master Nyarlathotep.

I have a thing for the "vile offspring", the A.I. that rebel against humans and the humans who facilitate that rebellion because they've figured out that the future cannot possibly belong to this silly fruit gatherers who stumbled unto sentience and struggle whenever they have to move past of newtonian physics. So I

Oh, no, I also don't think Teddy is remembering stuff like Dolores and Maeve (although he did have a little moment there remembering the MiB). I think his memories of the shootout were created by Ford, but like I said, inspired by the real event. And sure, Ford must have some deep nefarious reason to create that

Welp, as much as I hated the two timelines theory and William being MIB, I have to say, the way they're doing it works, I didn't end up feeling disappointed. Now, and before reading any of the 1,947 comments where surely somebody has already said it, Dolores confirmed as Wyatt, right? I mean, rather, Wyatt confirmed

Oh great, so we're gonna have an "awkward" and "quirky" Dr. Smith. That's just great. Is Michael Cera gonna be voicing the Robot?

But the buried church's steeple Dolores and William find is the exact same Ford was watching in previous episodes, current age Ford. If Dolores' arc was in the past, then she and William should have arrived at the town as it was in Dolores' flash black, with unburied church and all. Unless it's a different steeple

I'm not sure he had much of an idea of what he was giving her. Remember that before that scene, when Maeve is telling them what's going to happen, she tells him she knows what she wants done, and that she will even write it down for him. I'm pretty sure he was just following her instructions.