Col. Bleep

I'm mostly enjoying this show so far. Gordon and Bullock play off each other well. But the "cheese" element does tend to intrude.

What a great show! Certainly one of the best examples of the now extinct half-hour drama out there. The depth of character and complexity of story they were able to squeeze out of some of those 25 minute episodes blows me away.

I could say the same for you, LJB, but I won't. I'm polite.

I don't think I have ever heard of…Kanye West is it? What does he do when he is not involved in this whole "celebrity activism" movement?

Gotta give props where due to The Strain. Not many shows or movies are willing to play the dead dog card [unless it's a "Heroic Sacrifice"].

Still, I think the critique not entirely unjustified. The 'epic bore' part is kind of 'eye of the beholder'. The undiluted [though not necessarily 'stoic'] malevolence is definitely a thing.

Been there, done that!
Marvel's Earth X series. 1999 I think.
Thanks, House of [recycled] Ideas!

ROSEBUD WAS THE SLED!! There. I said it. [I feel better now.]

Oldman's a pretty good actor. He single-handedly got me to like the new Robo-Cop. But like many of his ilk he does not really get the "small" picture.

Seriously, nothing about "No Ordinary Family"?

I say cut him some slack. Unless the obnoxious papparazzo that Hill was reacting to really was gay then this is just a case of frustration boiling over. Could happen to anybody.

This is a very fun show. Not just funny, which it is, but "fun" in the purest sense. And it's great for family viewing [and how often do we get that these days?].

It was bittersweet to read your final DS9 review Mr. Handlen. DS9 is my very favorite Trek [and I have seen them all]. Your reviews made me feel as if I was experiencing those episodes [again] for the first time. I thank you for sharing your insights, observations, excitement and even occasional disappointment with

Again, true. Just saying an Eric Koenig "legacy" seems more intuitive.

True true. My bad. Just taking the path of least resistance.

The bit about Triplett being a Shield "legacy" from the Howling Commandos was highly ironic. There was no character named Triplett in the original "Sgt Fury and his Howling Commandos" comic in the 60's. The only black "Howler" was Gabe Jones who, along with Dum Dum Dugan, did eventually move over to Shield under Fury.

When I saw Todd's byline on the review, I assumed Sonia had quit the AV Club because she was being forced to cover The Following.

I think a B+ grade for this episode is overly generous. The many nods to the show's idiosyncrasies were fun but this is first and foremost a mystery series. The central mystery this week was prosaic, inaccessible and lacking emotional weight all at once. That's pretty much as many things wrong with a story as are

I DVR’d the show [as usual] and watched it Tuesday night. I
was gonna watch it Monday but flipped by a season one episode of Law &
Order on Sundance and sat through that instead. [I loves me some George

Creationism should get equal time on Cosmos when The 700 Club gives equal time to Evolution.