Col. Bleep

One of the great eccentrics of our era [and our parent’s and our grandparent’s eras as well]. His “why do I wear sneakers?” routine alone is a classic but there is so much more.
I, for one, feel immeasurably poorer knowing that this outrageous imp no longer inhabits our universe. God speed, Professor!

Probably the most interesting thing that happened in that entire banal, plodding, dismal dcp "extravaganza". Seriously, us "stay at home New Years Eve revelers deserve much better!

Sadly, Laverne Cox was seriously miscast. For one thing the role simply does not call for a woman, transgender or otherwise. Also, while she did well mimicking Currie's line readings and generally camping it up she never managed to convey the sense of imminent danger that is intrinsic to the character.

Kayla, I just wanna say that I think your fourth scenario for whom Alicia should "come home to" is spot on, in my opinion.

Was it just me or did anyone else think that blowing up a Police Morgue was an awful strange way for a murderer [especially one without a significant prior criminal record] to try and cover his tracks?

Best line in the film… "The Bible is a book. It's a good book, but it is not the only book."

Curt Swan, Joe Kubert and Gil Kane were all great artists but they never looked better than when they were inked by Murphy Anderson. He will be missed.

The homage to the cover of Flash #123 was not the only Easter egg in this episode [though it was quite awesome].

I agree with you completely. But "The Late Show" is not "Face the Nation" [or even "The Colbert Report"] and Colbert's job is to entertain not to investigate.
That's one reason why I am not thrilled with show's seemingly ironclad format of one "celebrity" guest followed by one politician and then the musical act.

I am not a fan of Ted Cruz but I must admit I was impressed with Colbert's presence of mind and deft handling in asking his audience not to "boo" his guest. It was a rare real moment in a genre that is far too lacking in those these days.

I read Steve Martin's memoir some time back. What struck me most was a near complete lack of joy or satisfaction that he seems to have attained on his all but obsessive journey to comedy success. I really found it very sad.
So, while I can appreciate the near genius in some of his work [mainly some of the SNL stuff

The only former correspondent [that I can think of] who did not appear in that first segment was Beth Littleford. Does anyone know of any others?

You da MAN! …[or WOMAN, as the case may be.]

More proof of the show juggling too many convoluted story lines…Jada Pinkett Smith's week off went completely unnoticed.

To quote the great George S. Kaufman, "I was underwhelmed" by the news.

Alicia: "I can't put my kids through college on an S.A.'s salary."

The business with the notes featuring Felix' initials is actually in the original play. They did not have a giant news ticker in the living room of course… so Oscar just referred to "little notes" that Felix habitually left on his pillow.

How does this episode not have a "Congressional Testimony" or "White House Resignation" skit with Aidy Bryant as Julia Pierson?

River Sisters was by far the worst sketch of the episode. No offense to The Groundlings but I can't believe that was the best material that SNL could find to steal from them.

Wow! I had totally forgotten this show but at the time the wife and I both loved it. She was in it mostly for the beefcake and I for the geek factor.