That was little secret signal to her grandmother, you know. It was her way of telling her hello and sharing classified Hollywood gossip her grandmother could relay via shortwave numbers station to Vladivostok.
That was little secret signal to her grandmother, you know. It was her way of telling her hello and sharing classified Hollywood gossip her grandmother could relay via shortwave numbers station to Vladivostok.
I think the gap between urban and rural-ish America was a whole lot bigger before the internet. I remember 1994 in Texas looking pretty early 1980s in a lot of ways.
Not to mention all those banana peels on your floor, and the large and always open 15th story window.
You know the name "Turdburglars" was based on a true story?
I'd like to know what's streaming out of Chancellor Puddinghead's body tomorrow!
I think I might not like Halloween.
Unfortunately Weezer trademarked "Raditude", but you can have Steven Attical if that's anything.
Poor Gary Puckett rotting away in that Thailand jail. At least, that's what I assume happened to him.
Horror might be like punk music- it's brash and appeals to the young and it's easy to figure out a unique hook when you're starting out. It also doesn't tend to be incredibly deep, not in a way that requires life lessons and wisdom to be profound.
Well of course she would have. If he'd succeeded then he'd the the president.
Is he still sexiest man alive or did People get around to replacing him yet?
I maintain The Beaver approached The Room in its misguided, tonally off weirdness. It's one of those movies that feels like it dropped out of a rift to a parallel dimension because the human beings in it and the society they live in are vaguely recognizable but also completely alien.
I liked that it was showing every Saturday at midnight at an AMC theater in Bumfuck Texas in the mid 90s. That was probably one of the biggest appeals to a lot of people in a pre-internet era— here was this weird little subculture in almost every suburb in a time when it was really hard to reach out to fellow weirdos.…
I'd politely argue a "remake" has to be the same medium as the original and turning a movie into a TV show is an adaptation— which is a thing where there are countless successes, especially books to movies.
Is it really a "remake?" One could argue that it's a "staging" and if that's the case it's probably far from the worst Rocky Horror productions that have been thrust upon the world. Or one could argue with himself that no, they are remaking the movie, it says "Picture Show" in the damn title.
It's just a good way to relax after a long day of riverdancing.
I don't know why, but suddenly I really need a nice soothing massage.
Next do Jager Bomb chips.
I don't know why I think Dustin Diamond is fair game but Corey Feldman is just to be pitied, but I do.
I like it a lot but do kind of think it should have been a half hour and maybe a few less in a season.