
You're right, I'm sure I read somewhere it will be but now all I find is that it won't. So I was wrong.
And now the actress playing Jo is pregnant??!! I really hope they won't write THAT into the show.

Caterina Scorsone announced she was pregnant in August, and it was written into the show. I call false negative (it's the easiest to get in early days).

It's Nate. Wes is useless but they wouldn't kill them, and Kill Connor We Riot (plus I don't think she would be so broken hearted over him). It's Nate.
Bonnie and Frank, I never thought I'd ship them together but they're both so broken in all the same ways, it makes sense.

Haven't seen the episode yet, but how is there an old lover of Jamie's when he was supposed to be a virgin when they got married?

That's good to hear! If he is indeed good in the role, I'll be very happy to be proven wrong.

Don't get me wrong, I like Wenham (Faramir is my favorite LOTR character and I thought he really did him justice, and that's high praise from me) but "ruthless corporate leader" really needs someone more… badass, I guess.

Ha, Sava! N-am facut niciodata legatura, si iti citesc articolele de ani buni. Represent!

That pic is 15 years old, at least. It's as sad as Mariah Carey still wearing the same clothes she did in her 20s.

I wish this show was better than it is. The actors are great, the characters are compelling, but the only things that the writers deliver is a lot of meh and blah and what?! every week, It's a chore.

Bird and Madison: saw it coming since "He lives with a bird?"
Max and Carter: ew, just… no.

I'm still pissed at Elizabeth thinking it's ok to bring her boyfriend to spend the night, like, the week after she separated from her husband. She and David should have agreed to live separate lives outside the home, but stay together for another year until the girls leave for college, explain to Grant that they will

Haven't seen the episode, but isn't Angelique transvestite rather than transgender?

I just want David and Elizabeth to get a divorce already, that marriage has been so bad for so long, it's time to cut your losses and run.
Alex Saxon's hair is RIDICULOUSLY FANTASTIC and I love Max, his speech last week about not being a victim really got to me.

Owen has been Amelia's go-to guy for a long time, so I totally saw it coming, and I very much approve.
Is it wrong I'm not missing Derek at all? He's just so… whiny.

I hope some clever people make a video only with the scenes where Abbie and Ichabod are hanging out, bitching about things, and it will go viral and I will know that happiness still exists.

How do you know all that? That she kissed and flirted with him? Because Tank told her that's what happened? Even if he was honest about that, memory is a terribly subjective thing and we all paint ourselves in a more favorable light.
And "tipsy" doesn't make you not remember anything the morning after.

It's good that they handled the issue so that different people can have different opinions, I have mine but I respect yours. Talking about it only raises awareness so let's keep doing it :)

Two people have sex, one wakes up with the memory of a good night of drinking and a nice shag, the other blacked out and wakes up with no clothes on. I really don't see how it's even a discussion.

I swear my brain automatically switches off whenever Jesus is on the screen. I couldn't tell you anything about any of his plotlines.
I hope Jude is too smart to become a dirty little secret for his BFF, Callie is a hypocrite and God I want Wyatt and his hair back.

Yay for SAB coverage!!! Is it back for good? Please say yes please say yes!
I know I might be closed-minded here, but as a frat boy Tank KNOWS how to drink, no way was he as smashed as Bay. He might have not seen it as rape, but it doesn't mean it wasn't. He should have recognized Bay was beyond the point where she