
I didn't even recognize him, but when I looked him up I was "OMG it's A.J. from Empire Records"! Which used to be my favorite movie back when i was young and innocent and dinosaurs walked the Earth and oh Lord I'm old.

Follow Rogelio De La Vega on Twitter and be amazed! They seriously put some effort into it (CW's equivalent of someone actually writing some of Richard Castle's books, only funnier).

I like the idea of Christmas specials, but I much prefer Switched At Birth's version - a totally separate, atypical episode, and preferably a little insane :D

I'm a Sorkin appologist, but this episode was bad bad BAD from top to bottom.
Next week finale prediction: we'll jump a year forward, Mac is pregnant and the baby's name will be Charlie, Maggie is a bridesmaid at Sloan and Don's wedding, and Jim is still the most horrible person on the planet (except Fitz from Scandal,

I would be more upset if it was the police saying that, but Don is just one journalist representing just one company, it's not like he denied her the only chance in the world to confront her attacker. He opted out of the story, and in a bigger context than the story itself.

We call it "The Abrams and Lindelof Effect", now everybody asks for a two-page essay on how the show will end before greenlighting it.

Wes lying about the coin toss was such a thing back when we thought he was the moral compass of this show, but now it just seems ridiculous that everyone would trust the guy who actually committed the murder.

Last episode Regina called Hook "Captain Guyliner" and I DIED.
The ice shard in the eye is taken directly from Andersen's Snow Queen. Guess what is the only thing that can melt it? The power of luuuurve. Again. Le Sigh.

Anyone noticed how Psi included Captain John Hart on his list of most wanted criminals? Thought that was fun.

…looking down on her like he’s you know who…

I thought Zack and Fik-shun's hip hop was the best dance of the season, and this is coming from someone who mostly goes for contemporary pieces. Was sad they didn't repeat it for the finale.
Ricky had this in the bag since autidions, right? This season was like watching an F1 race in 2001.

I don't understand a couple of things about the hitlist:

His hair is even better there! Since he's a secondary character, I hope he can still work on both shows.

I hope this is not the end for Wyatt, he has seriously awesome hair.

I actually liked the actor playing her dad (the one she used to think is her dad), and I'm surprised he hasn't showed up more, it seems like a family drama worth exploring. Not very ABC Family of you, MTV!

I loved that Mike came around to Stef's way of thinking, even if his initial reaction was "Oh well he's a dude, he's the winner in this situation".
I don't know why everyone hates Brandon, when Jesus has had the stupidest plotlines EVER. Whenever he comes on screen I close my eyes and go to my happy place.

"Callie and Jude’s scenes were fully and completely wonderful. "

I don't think Stiles is trying to fix "the wild girl", I think he's just trying to help - which is a very Stiles thing to do. I'm just happy he stopped mooning over Lydia.

AvClub is giving up on reviewing all my favorite shows lately… well, at least we reversed the decision for Teen Wolf!
