Solomon Grundy

True, but I'm not sure I'd believe anything a dog biter says.

She was an unreliable narrator from the moment she bit the dog.

The OA might turn to crap, but its not as bad as this terrible review.

It's interesting to see Westworld missing from all the 'best of 2016' lists so far.

I hope the new narrative is more satisfying.

Memories are the maze that are being navigated here - the Man in Black is likely to morf into William right before Dolores' eyes. I'm also assuming that he keeps raping Dolores so as to jolt her memory or bring her into consciousness (awful thought, but it seems consistent with the show's trauma theme)

Very droll.

The Arnold reveal wasn't a guessing game - it was a foregone conclusion (like the Bernard 'twist' before it).

Sorry Mom.

Because its integral to the show. Duh.

The whole idea of looking for a maze - or searching for meaning there - is fucking stupid.

Chloe wishes she was a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, but she has clearly got her own issues to deal with (she appears to need Daniel more than he needs her).

Although Rectify is one of my favorite shows, I can't help but feel that the final season is needless.

I'm not sure you should be reviewing this show anymore Zac. Although I share your concerns, you're letting them affect your judgment and they've taken over your reviews.

Spoiler alert - it looked to me as if the show was going to explore the possibility of putting the serial killer in a form of purgatory (by punishing him for crimes that he doesn't remember committing, and so calling into question the relation between personal responsibility, memory and/or identity). So whilst the

The third season slowly strangles the life out of its own show.

Prepare to fall asleep a lot during the third season of The Fall.

Cheap shots at easy targets (a self hating black person, a white person who wants to be black or alleviate his white guilt by identifying with backs) is beneath this great show.

She ain't worth Madonna's piss.

The album confirms that she is a minor talent (if there was any doubt).