Solomon Grundy

Preacher is only as good as its side characters. The Angels made season 1, and Herr Anal Passage is making season 2.

I wonder whose dream we've been living in.

That's an urban legend or a form of self mythologising. They're (typically) assholes looking to clothe their motives and behavior in noble causes.

We all thought 'The Return' referred to Twin Peaks coming back again. By now, it's clear that the show's second coming refers to Dale Cooper - and he won't be returning till the very end.

I love the fact that our loyalties shift with the perspectives - I wanted everyone to live and die during the battle, and it depended on which ladder rung I was one during all the chaos.

I must be blind cause I'm not seeing it.

I watched that final scene again (and again), and I don't see anything untoward happening at all (no mismatch, no freak out).

The whole season is a comedy of delay, and I'm really enjoying it on fast forward…and then putting on some choice scenes on repeat indefinitely.

What complete garbage.

I blame the writing….and you for taking the bait.

For much of this episode, I thought: Is this episode directed by David Lynch, or by a David Lynch impersonator? I stand corrected…it was obviously directed by David Lynch trying to outdo himself.

An absolutely fantastic review…too bad the album doesn't justify such effusive musings.

I'm not as enthusiastic about the show as most around here, but there were some fantastic scenes in the season finale - and they all involved Michael McKean.

Or maybe its just piss poor characterization.

The time off would be consistent with the show's own pacing.


"Fuck You Robin Marshall."

What's the theory?

"Fuck you Dowd".

You were supposed to be freaked out long before though…from the moment the dark figure walked down the corridor as she was speaking on the phone and ominous music started playing.