Solomon Grundy

Yes to both questions.

The show is absolutely wonderful when it focuses on Sam's relationship with her kids - their world(s) just seems so expansive and inclusive.

What's the consensus on the increasingly popular theory that William (white hat) is actually the Man in Black from a different timeline?

Louie CK co wrote an episode about a male wanting to inappropriately take out his penis in front of an unsuspecting woman? That's either an in joke or an irony.

thank you.

In thinking, though, that Hopkins is playing God in an evolutionary sense…and so the issue is not so much disobedience but evolving to a higher level of consciousness (and they're likely to turn on their maker too…ala Bladerunner)

So basically we're watching the story of creation - or rather, the show is retelling the story from the perspective of Human as God, and androids being created in God's image.

Nice to see Bojack Horseman getting another prominent gig.

My suspicion is that the gunslinger keeps raping Dolores to bring her into full consciousness - her trauma is literally triggering.

The ambiguity of Ed Harriss' Gunslinger seems to be the point of the show: is the man in black really (or ultimately) the hero or villain of Westworld?

I'm no apologist for Fear of the Walking dead, but the season finale reminded us why it could be better (more interesting and/or dynamic) than the allegedly superior The Walking Dead.

Better Things would be much better if it weren't about 'the industry'. I much prefer the scenes with her daughters, and find the 'behind the scenes' things insufferable.

For the record: moral relativism doesn't date back to the ancient greeks - it is arguably built into the very possibility of social experience, and so presupposes cultural relativism (variations within and between cultures throughout history)

I'm not sure why we are taking the 'good place' at face value. It would seem that everyone's soul mate is their complete opposite, and if so, they're all still in a very different place - one of transition or learning.

many things.

I'm not sure why anyone thinks they can infer who the shooter was from the disguise. The shooter was, um, disguised in such a way that it could have been anyone (male or female).

Don't expect this show to turn into Banshee any time soon - our 'action star' is suffering from post traumatic stress and is trying to find his bearings again. As for the so called 'charming' characters, I think you might have some issues too.

I've watched the first season, and would encourage everyone else to watch it too - its fantastic.

I thought this was a lovely introduction to the show.

Crosetti's funeral march remains the most fitting tribute to a generally unheralded actor. The unexpected salute still brings tears to my ears.