Solomon Grundy

My young daughter was hearing this from another room, and she asked me if 'this show was set in a mental hospital'.

I think that's the whole point of the show though - that our 'heroes' are becoming increasingly like the so called 'villains'. It needs to embrace its moral relativism in order to question it (not retreat behind straw man arguments or moral superiority).

You're not going to be like a full ninja with that attitude buddy.

I get Morgan's point of view - I just don't think the show makes a convincing case for it (and I doubt anyone would watch if we saw the world through his eyes).

I'm disappointed, Zac, that you didn't recognize or comment on the Cornel West parody.

Morgan continues to exasperate…he's barely more than a walking straw man argument now. Kill him in his sleep please.

After watching the whole season, I have say: it turns into a steaming pile.

So what's it like? what are the songs everyone seems to like?

I'm saying that its irrelevant - not sure why we need to know why Jimmy and Mike broke bad. All we needed to know is that they were already broken.

As much as I enjoy individual scenes of this show, the new season merely confirms that Better Call Saul is a needless or redundant origin story.

It lost me at episode 1, when the two sisters tried to have a 3-way with him.

I'm not sure how 'genuine' that affection is - it seems more forced or hard earned.

I haven't liked this season much, but this episode was an instant classic.

This episode confirms the definition of true Love by having Gus saving Mickey from herself at the quicky mart.

But Gus saved her from herself at the quicky mart! Every woman wants a four eyed geek with a giant beak to ride in on their white horse to buy them some caffeine and nicotine. And they'll also ask the guy they just met to follow them home too.


After seeing so many episodes, would you actually recommend it? I tried watching the second episode, and found the shared scenes between the leads hard to watch.

Honestly, the show completely lost me with that scene. I could see where it was going, and I was hoping it wouldn't go there. And once it did, i lost complete faith in the writing.

The way he acts, though, suggests someone not comfortable in their own skin - the guy simply did not exude sex appeal regardless of his geeky or Semitic appearance. Don't get me wrong, I know many attractive Jews and/or geeks. But that is not what that scene conveyed - this was just Jewish wish fulfillment completely

I didn't see randomness - I saw more gratuitous and incredulous sex scene.