Solomon Grundy

In what universe would a guy that looks and acts like Paul Rust be seduced by two beautiful women for a 3-way, and has Gillian Jacobs
waiting in the wings as an impending love interest?

I really enjoyed this episode - it exhibited a playfulness I didn't think the show was capable of.

I would have preferred it if Armisen played himself - or the version of him that has gained traction online. He's supposedly incredibly deceptive and manipulative, and preys on susceptible women for sex.

How does the Apocalypse get renewed?

I admired that a lot more than I enjoyed it.

I hadn't noticed that - and geez, I thought the Mary and baby in a manger references were a bit much. But that shit takes it to a whole new level of shiteness.

I'm not sure what to make of this show yet, but I don't think you're giving it enough credit for its ambition.

So both the defense and the prosecution used black men to serve the cause of 'justice'?

The way everything to a head was so contrived it felt as if Noah Solloway wrote it.

If Louie C K filmed a fart in a spacesuit, audiences and critics alike would all be agreed - astonishing writing, acting, directing and/or editing!

"OOOOOHHHHH!", Andrew Dice Clay was the best thing about Vinyl (character and performance).

Nah, it's most amateur hour that's partially redeemed by a couple of decent scenes and a few performances that somehow rise above the mediocrity.

I thought there was little justification for its existence - the only decent things about it were Alan Alda and Aidy Bryant.

What's interesting about this episode is that we have every reason to suspect that we are seeing Noah through the looking glass (or a reverse angle).

Fantastic episode (again).

Why have UFO sightings - in the form of photos and videos - gone down in the age of social media?

Crowd sourced investigations and the court of public opinion are a two headed ass.

Equally appalling is that Anderson is twice the actor.

Well, I laughed.

Say, what? You complain about the lack of characterization and then complain when the show places the emphasis on character interactions and dynamics?