Solomon Grundy

The only thing I'm enjoying about this season is watching David Cross be a complete asshole - it's more convincing than watching him be a complete loser.

He was a big bad in Fringe too.

I didn't believe that ending at all (not even in the moment where he's trying to save his friend's lives and break the cycle).

I'm not sure I'd call his betrayal 'beautiful' - he essentially played God to undermine the woman he 'loved'.

The show finally comes into its own - and so deserves much higher praise.

I don't get the 'indifference' to the political storyline - at the very least, it has some of the series most striking imagery resonating throughout it (the prisoner strung up on the hooks, the prisoner being interrogated in a fish tank, etc).

Is it true that the show is not a faithful adaptation of the book? I've been reading that the show's creation of an insurgency completely undermines what the book was trying to say. So in chasing traditional dramatic effect, they've might as well not have adapted a singular work in the first place.

I'm calling shenanigans. As much as I love the show - and appreciated the episode's commentary on racial representations on television - Master of None was being a little disingenuous here.

The 'execution' in the woods is (presumably) a reference to Millers Crossing - so we can expect to see Simone eating in restaurants soon.

Eastman should have turned out to be the psychotic murder so traumatized by the zombie apocalypse that he ended up believing his own lies.

That's not so much a theory or think piece but a 'stating the fucking obvious' piece.

The Leftovers should be watched alongside The Returned (Les Revenants) - two utterly unique shows that somehow manage to be a mirror image of each other. I think I prefer The Leftover's more 'realistic' exploration of grief in a supernatural context, but they're equally remarkable in their own way.

Wonderfully written review.

If anybody wants to watch a great show about a bastard executioner, they should check out Jimmy McGovern's Banished instead.

Wtf? Alasdair Wilkins didn't give an episode of Doctor Who an A?

I don't get the reference.

This is the show The Walking Dead should have been. It's better written, acted and directed - and people are still hating on it?

This show is much more interesting than the reviews (and comments) indicate.


I wish Mr Robot was less Pump Up the Volume and more Heathers.