Solomon Grundy

Are you going from memory, because the scene in front of me plays differently to me?

I just watched that scene again, and it looks like he's sharing scenes (or physical space) with Steenburgen to me.

Well, someone is obviously studying literature or philosophy….although I doubt that Raylan can close the circle or digging himself out from under. No one leaves Harlan alive.

A wonderful episode with so much to process - like if Art followed Katherine into the bedroom as the camera made a point of showing her unzipping her dress.

Well, that was an episode that didn't need to made - or watched.

It looks as if Utopia might be under threat from the walking dead in the form of Rick and co - but I still don't trust the leader (who seems intent on creating a new world order in her image).

The show was great until it introduced every man's worst nightmare - a checklist of complaints against women in the form of one woman (ugly, nagging, needy, bossy, unreasonable, moralistic, unpredictable, et al)

Well, it didn't take long for the show to degenerate into a misogynist tract - and it showed such promise too.

I'm starting to wonder if Alexandria is a social experiment, and if our motley crew have become guinea pigs or lab rats.


are you presuming so speak for 'others' again?


The scenes with Tyreese were fantastic, but I couldn't help but feel that the actor deserved much better storylines or show.

There are a couple of scenes per episode that suggests this show might be interesting - but they are so few and far between that its not worth persevering with.

What's the problem with Kotaku - its one of the few decent gaming sites out there.

It's only weird if you don't think of her as an opportunist too (Armisen was obviously good for her career).

The 'fitting a dead naked woman into a suitcase' scene was the most disturbing thing I've seen on tv in a long while.

So far all we have is a pseudo show.

The only story (and character) I'm invested in is the Michelle one. Ironically, she seems to belong in a different - and much better - show than Togetherness (which is neither fish or fowl to me).

Raylan was insufferable throughout most of this episode - reckless, smug and exploitative have become his default setting.