I'm shocked that you don't realize that's not the issue.
I'm shocked that you don't realize that's not the issue.
Normally I'd agree with you. Given the persistence of the comments, though, I'm not so sure.
I wonder what people might make of Armisen's reputation as a sociopath towards women - especially with him playing a feminist woman and working so closely with another famed feminist
I think reviewer Carrie wrote without thinking.
Jesus H Christ (and not Hamlet).
I'm not even sure why he thought the Christ parallel was even remotely appropriate. Because Jax sacrificed himself or died for the sins of the club? I mean, subtly ain't even the issue - it's more a question of relevance.
Wow, Sutter even gives Jax a Christ pose before hitting the truck and skidding off into a Shakespeare quote. Talk about overkill. The only thing missing was Springsteen's Born to Run.
I didn't say I disliked this season - only this episode.
A surprisingly great episode with one powerful scene after another. It's just a shame that it took so much effort (and drek) to get there.
Seeing Red doesn't look remotely prestigious though - it just seems to be an unlikely and risible vanity project that was somehow greenlit
I thought this episode was shit, and feel that the show is starting to belabor its point (the recovering addict's suicide was thematic overkill).
The soul baring or the car chase?
Exposition as soul baring does not equal Shakespearean tragedy - but that car chase was pure comedy gold.
The Comeback returns with a brilliant conceit - an actress playing herself on tv as a self reflexive gesture.
If this show was really (or just) about survival of the fittest, how would we distinguish between the zombies and the humans?
I'm not sure the episode offered a critique to the male gaze - it was more a corrective to it. And by focusing on the female gaze, I think you failed to see (or explicitly acknowledge and develop anyway) the episode's most visible aspect: the shifting power dynamics across the three sex scenes (from passive bottom…
If they really wanted to hurt Bobby, they should have shaved off his beard.
I stopped watching AHS: the hours kept adding up to diminishing returns, and there are better things to do (like reading novels, playing videogames or cutting my rabbit's toe nails).
That was an hour of my life I'll never get back.
Nah, the navel gazing began episode one - where Jax would would read 'dear diary' in reflective voiceover.