
I've been waiting for this! Can't wait to check it out. Looks much more inventive than Togetherness (which wasn't bad, but wasn't good either—I was always lukewarm with that show and hopefully that won't continue with this series).

*sigh* well….it was good while it lasted.

That puppet reveal had me cackling! And Titus's reaction was hilarious!

I love your explanation here, it makes it all the more emotional. And it was emotional for me too. (I'm not sure how anyone saw it purely as comedic, but okay) It was unnerving rather than uncomfortable but only in the way that I knew there would be harsh consequences for Emily after her exhilarating moment of

Finally…this is the Grey's Anatomy we all came to love. Haven't seen it on this level in a while! The Megan stuff was so obvious sense Season 12 and the fact that it's been dragged out so long only to now come to a climax is a bit annoying and cliched, but it will result in some good drama in the long run (if the

Sir, I believe you mean to be in the YouTube comments section, not AVClub's

This season of Grey's has been the sloppiest thing I've seen in a while. This has been the worst to get through. I sometimes feel embarrassed watching and that has never happened for as long as the series has been on air. Season 14 better be immaculate to recover from this hollow foolishness. The characters are all

I had a lot of reservations with this show after enjoying the film quite a bit, but the first episode was really excellent and I can tell that I'm really gonna like it even more.

Really? A C+? This was one of my favorite episodes yet. One of the funniest and some of the issues it explored were very relevant. Molly continues to get on my nerves, she's so predictable and ridiculous—like get over yourself, girl. This episode is a B+ for me.

^This little conversation made my day.

Sarah's scene with Pony actually felt pretty scary—Sarah's repressed anger from constant rejection continues to compel me even as it repels me, partly because I've seen so many people like her and then they erupt on unsuspecting people within their lives, all of their problems unleashed in such a monstrous way. Like,

Well, it's debatable whether it's "fun" to watch…which I don't think is the "point" of this show. To really delve into the consequences of things like Maura's hook-up with a man or Ali's forced sexual encounter would feel a bit hokey for this show—this show is all about restraint (also, I think you might have misread

I think you're wrong, respectfully. The focused narrative was how trapped everyone of the main characters are by their own bad habits which negates any of them really growing in the way that they want or had believed themselves to be—in the beginning of the season, everyone seems to be on the road to something new and

I would assume "If I Were a Bell". That was my favorite for a number of reasons. "The Open Road" was amenable, but a little forced in some spots for me. "Exciting and New" is a second runner-up for me followed by "To Sardines and Back" and then "Oh Holy Night".

Why does he still get attention? Your days are over, just sit back at let the world spin. I never liked this old bastard. As much as he's tired of hearing about it (what an inconvenience!) I bet people who experience it are tired of talking about it over and over again and still have to deal with it. I can't even

I've noticed this as well. In an otherwise great show, this is troubling to me, to say the least.

It's always interesting when people start insisting that they know what's best for the direction of a creator's story. Beyond that, its not like the third season did not have some serious explorations of the prison system. The characters and the themes of the season were pretty explicit in translating how exploitative

I actually enjoyed this episode much more than the last four
installments. I liked how quiet and dark it was—perhaps I'm biased
because I like when they play with a character's sanity and it finally
snaps. All of these monsters together trying to bite off each other's
heads. Something snapped in this episode of

JL:U will always be on a whole other level.

Quite like I think we've all underestimated Olivia's power, I think you guys underestimate Shonda. She often knows her endgame of the season before they even start writing. Or at least that's what she often says.