
I actually really liked this episode. Some of the reviewers complaints seem to stem more from personal taste of how they would like the story to pan out than anything. I thought it was a thoughtful episode that doesn't give viewers answers to these big questions but instead throws them all out there for people to

Question: Did anyone else find the final shot of Piper a bit creepy and on the verge of disturbing? Her bent the way she was tattooing herself, hair covering most of her face in a shadowy manner and her voice almost orgasmic with pain. I might come off as being too dramatic, but I'm not sure if they were trying to

I still miss Miss Claudette! Now Nicky is down in max too. Damn. I couldn't care less about Stella.

It didn't feel forced to me at all because of how the situation escalated in previous episodes leading up to it—the fact that there are rumors circulating because of Sophia pushing Gloria into the wall, everyone for the first time sees that Sophia the transgender "freak" is finally having beef with another inmate—the

NO ONE IS WORSE THAN HEALY! Except for maybe Coates.

I really don't see how so many people see Aleida as "evil". She's obviously a woman who never, even as a child, was seen as someone with value and thus never had anyone really love her. I know people who have never felt loved by anyone have children and cling onto them desperately and even selfishly to the point of

I couldn't even finish the last season of True Blood it was so terrible, I stopped after episode 6…might finish it one day. I LOVED that show! But in its last season it really turned to crap.

Okay…I could see that. But I still have an issue with the way Fitz sees so much in black and white…still. You think he would learn by now in his position that all roads lead back to him and it's usually in a messy way.

Seasons 1 and 2…a bit of Season 3 (like 3 episodes) and a good chunk of Season 4 (like 8-10 episodes) are actually pretty on point….this finale….is it's worst episode without a doubt.

I will say that I liked how they "took down" Rowan, even if I am totally tired of the B-613 stuff! There needs to be something—-some sort of twist to ever make me interested in it again. The show is best when it focuses on Olivia fixing people and close examinations of it's characters. This season—mostly the back half

At this point Shosh would go anywhere she finally felt of use after an entire season of realizing that she might not be as useful and wanted as she once thought. So, it's not just her going against her boyfriend's wishes. But even if she didn't, I would have still be a bit iffy towards him and his whole "I'm almost in

I totally understand her apprehension. It would take a lot to replace Jon Stewart and she may not be ready YET, but in ten years or so…yeah.