mike rose

This commenter doesn't really seem like he's having that much fun with his comment, and perhaps appears to be holding something back. It's like, he states that he doesn't want to be "that guy," but essentially doesn't he want to be that guy? I mean, what other type of guy could he possibly hope to be aspiring toward?

Upon your suggestion I went ahead and read a lot of his posts and I think I get it now. My bad.

This has got to be one of the most annoying, demeaning, and inexplicably stylized comments I have ever read. I would take Madonna's fake British accent over your fake internet dialect any day of the week.

I've heard it every single time I've heard that song.

P-p-please Mr. Kennedy!

Making fun of Jewel's poetry in 2014 is beyond low-hanging fruit. You're harvesting fruit that fell off the tree months ago and has been rotting on the ground. This is moldy ground fruit you're giving us.

I love Russell Brand! I think I need to drink a little of what he's drinking.

I thought the cold open was pretty on-point here. Moynihan's Christie was pretty par for the course, but Kate McKinnon did an amazing job portraying the subtle insanity/anti-authoritarianism underlying Kaci Hickock's (mostly noble and accurate) protest.

No contest: Huffer by the Breeders

Really not trying to pick on you, Bran, but I have to umbrage with your defense, because you miss the only essential point: In the moment when Louie was trying to kiss Pamela, she very clearly and definitively said "no." Repeatedly. Regardless of what Pamela expressed earlier, whether it be years, weeks, or seconds-

To me it seems obvious that Louis the writer/director is well aware of the sinister line that Louie the character has crossed. The following scene on the bus with his girls is perhaps the darkest of the show, because he seems to be realizing that he is in a position of moral compromise and shame when talking to his

I want this so, so bad. Dan Harmon so improbably made an amazing season of television last year. Let this genius finish his work as intended!

Totally agree. If he were my friend I would say, "listen I know you think you're being cool and edgy, but it's just douchey." But I don't think I'd stop being friends with him. Or I wouldn't, depending on how he responded to me. But I'm not friends with him, and I don't really know how he feels, and I tend to give

I think a lot of that was pretty overblown. There's been some clarifications and redactions on the part of Kliph (http://pitchfork.com/news/5… and honestly, does anyone really fucking care that Wayne might have possibly condoned some cultural appropriation at some point, or are we just looking for another excuse to

Another beautifully understated joke that gets to the heart of what it means to argue with another person is when the therapist asks them who is to blame and Louie eventually raises his hand. When the therapist then states that it is Janet's responsibility, Louie quickly celebrates because he thinks that this means he

I'd been thinking about this for a lot of the day, and I think you hit the nail on the head here. People often talk about their relationship struggles as if they are windows into the vast profundities of the universe, though these battles are usually on par with the petty ego struggles that Todd Berry engaged in with

I think a really good policy from here on out is: ignore both the style and content of whatever Bran Lancourt has to say. It's gonna save you grief.

The Todd Barry monologue was a truly beautiful counterpoint to the life of Louie, though I'm still struggling to interpret what the show is trying to say. On one level, it shows the relative ease and simplicity that comes with a life of solitude, where Todd only defines happiness and success on his own terms (getting

I think one could make an argument for it, but just like in life there is no correct answer.

I suggest you watch the scene once again, though after that, this certainly isn't worth arguing over. But I suggest you do because: she listens to what he has to say, very patiently, and really attempts to understand what he is saying, despite disagreeing about something so important. Also, that she says "you know