mike rose

He is.

I have never, ever stopped to consider the editing of a comedy special, either good or bad, but Jesus Christ it seems like there's a jump cut every three seconds. Why does every single joke need to constantly move from a close up, then a medium shot, then a wide angle, then back within the course of 10 seconds?

I mean, threats of violence are probably only a small part of the issue, and likely exaggerated. I think a larger problem exists within call-out culture (which has largely influenced the dynamics of class discussion) in that its primary aim is to assert the dominance of the more "enlightened" person without attempting

Adam Carolla is clearly an idiot who doesn't understand why people feel the need to discuss the implications of race or gender because he's never been persecuted for either. He's also about one tenth as funny as he thinks he is. And yet, it's hard not to feel like there's a grain of truth about the dissolution of free

I think it's unclear whether she's trying to incriminate or exculpate Lous CK here by mentioning that they haven't talked in a year and a half. On the one hand it might be some veiled reference to a falling out where she's basically like, "why you not returning my calls, Louis?," but possibly she's just saying that he

This is amazing. This should be the example for all GJIs.

Holy shit was this an amazing movie. Every single actor portraying Chiron consistently and beautifully fought a wordless battle between attempted vulnerability and all the forces trying to suppress that vulnerability. For everything that it had to say about sexuality, gender expectations,the cycles of poverty, and

I don't know- this looks funny to me. In fact, I still basically always find Fred Armisen pretty funny. Plus, mens' activists are definitely real, and definitely in need of being mocked.

Ok, but this seems like a decent apology, right? Why's everyone so mad?

I don't know if we need to come to the conclusion that doctors are/were incompetent and sexist, at least not in this case. Ovarian cancer can be incredibly difficult to diagnose before it becomes too late to treat. It presents with a lot of vague and nonspecific symptoms, much like pancreatic cancer. People have

Also- way to include Obvious Child, a fucking hilarious and brilliant movie that subverted a lot of rom com conventions (though not necessarily for the inherent gimmickry of it) and convinced me of how singularly hilarious Jenny Slate is. Of course, regular watchers of the Kroll Show need no such proof. This movie

Great list overall. I wholeheartedly agree with Wet Hot at the top. I'm also impressed with the Francis Ha inclusion, considering it never really generated a lot of buzz. I definitely appreciate the attempt to gather a broad variety of comedes, not just SNL alums and their adjacents. That being said: Force Majeure is

No way that his job entailed personally following Ferris across town to catch him in the act of skipping. I'm pretty sure they made it clear that he got off on the idea of trying to crush Ferris's spirit, and that he's supposed to be a cartoonish personification of all the forces keeping us in line.

Is Ferris Bueller a perfect example of white privilege? Sure. But is it also an example of needing to be an active agent in securing your own freedom and excitement in this world because absolutely everyone else is bent on ensuring you behave? Yes- that too.

I think that's a perfectly reasonable point to make, but I don't think that's what he's really saying. I mean, he might be grasping at ideas that are close to this, and he might be hinting at a variety of other vaguely-empowering ideas for artists and for disadvantaged African-American youth, but I feel like here,

Really? Can you expand on what the point is? I mean, I'm not trying to rag on him too much, because he's clearly wrestling with something, but he's definitely skipping from one idea to the next without much in the way of an actual running narrative. Sure it's not a word salad, and he's using basic grammar correctly,

I find it kind of annoying and maybe perplexing that everyone in the comments keeps mentioning how insufferable Ilana is. I'm not saying she's not, but I also feel like it misses the point. Was Groucho likable? No, he spent majority of his films insulting people who were more reasonable than him. But he was hilarious,

I like this song, but appreciate where his hate is coming from. Also, Parquet Courts is the fucking best band out there right now. Each album is better than the last! If you're not listening to their most recent album, Human Performance, you're a fool.

If you're into this at all, scream club's acnecore is a must-listen. And while you're at it, just listen to all everything they've made, which is all pretty great.

"like no other" is far too short and common of a phrase to pick out from someone's review and have people know what you're referring to.