mike rose

They were having something called an argument.

And I don't think the ex-wife is portrayed as horrible at all. Think about how supportive she was when he went up for the Letterman audition! I think there might be a communication issue between them that's starting to show now that there's an issue with Jane that they actually need to come together on, but it seems

Definitely the Red Hook Fairway, which is definitely more reasonably-priced than Whole Foods.

Let's fargo with any further attempts at word play.

Listen, I understand your message, I just disagree with the way you choose to convey it. I'm a physician, so I spend a lot of my day telling people that they need to lose weight. But there is a way to do it nicely and compassionately, while recognizing their struggle and shame that goes into trying to lose weight.

I find that many of the people who are most disrespectful towards the overweight are people like yourself, who have to undergo intense personal struggle to stay trim. Because they are able to win this personal fight, they get obsessed with this idea of control, and the idea that being overweight represents some great

I'm a physician as well, and I feel like we go way, way overboard in both stating the degree to which weight has an effect on health, as well as judging people for being overweight. I practice in central Brooklyn, where most patients are very overweight, and if they are being admitted to the hospital they are usually

I understand that you think equating rights for the overweight with those for traditional minority groups seems to displace the degree of responsibility that we all need to take for our health. Many will argue about how much control people really have over their weight, and we can have that conversation all day,

Documentary Filmmaking: Redux has everything. There's the Dean succumbing to madness, Britta and Troy hugging for hours on end, Jeff doing an excellent Dean impression, Ken Jeong wearing a Jeff wig over his bald wig as Jeff's understudy. And Abed saves the day by learning to step away from his camera!

This is really, really sad. Dan Harmon really just defied all expectations with that excellent fifth season. I couldn't believe how much I was enjoying this show again after it seemed like all was lost. It would have been amazing to get a last season so all the strings could have been appropriately tied up. I would