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    Could her name be clue she has been around since the beginning: DELOreS, Delos being the name of the theme park in the original movie?

    Upvoted for first Red Dead Redemption reference I've seen here.

    Before he went all Brando on us.

    My mirror says it ain't so.

    Staying with beema's MMORPG reference, I thought of the saloon music as kind of an Easter Egg.

    Yes, but almost a bit too on the nose (pun intended), as they explicitly mention that the hosts "couldn't hurt a fly" by the staff earlier.
    As soon as the fly landed on her face, I knew it was toast.

    Yet I'm pretty sure I saw an old sign saying "Delos" somewhere in the underground.
    Not sure though if they choose to treat the events of the movie as "canon", or just some elements of them.

    But, if you stick with the continuity, the old robots (Yul Brunners generation) were crude and easily identifiable (remember the hands?), with robot parts directly under the surface.
    No way one of those could pass as either human or (modern) host.

    Agreed, it's the same park some decades later.
    In the lower levels, we see a "Delos" sign, although the park is never refered to by that name by anybody.

    Maybe they retconned flashpointed that.

    That makes sense, I hope you're right.

    Already blocked out.

    I'd like that, if done properly.
    Tom could certainly pull it of.

    In hindsight, I guess the point was to highlight the box and explicitly have Luke not punch it to show that tactics and subtlety is just not his style.

    Yeah, saw the trailers in the meantime, he appears to be a more wacky version of Earth two Wells?
    I'm all for it.

    Not helping (unless you're referring to Caitlin, in which case thank you).

    Are they (on AS)?
    Any (non anonymous) source to back that up would be helpful.

    OMG, you're right.
    I hope there's some of the brain bleach leftover that I needed to get the images of Barry undressing/showering/dressing Joe out of my head.

    Oh, your username/avatar should be enough to get the reference.

    To be fair, the season one Barry he knew wasn't this stupid.