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    - Kid Flash. Seeing Wally as a speedster was awesome. More of that in the original timeline..
    Barry: "Hey Wally, don't you miss your illegal racing, why not take it up again? Besides, here's some nitro fuel I cooked up for you, why not try it out right now? Oh, don't mind the thunderstorm approaching, I'm sure it's

    Also, we're out of coffee.

    You had me at "Gorilla Flashes".

    THANK YOU for giving me the heads up on the new trailer(s).

    Argh, somebody please brain-bleach those images out of my brain.

    While I think Melissa Benoist's chest if just fine, that be intriguing.

    Nice catch, but so wasted, nevertheless.

    Don't hold your breath until we can be sure what post flashpoint Iris.
    I wouldn't put it past them to build her up as season villian or something.

    Earth Two was fun though.

    To expand a bit, I beg for
    LESS: time travel, alternate timelines, speedsters
    MORE: earth two, Wells

    Damn it, this is Flash, so stop making sense!

    I have a hard time seeing this as a season premier at all.
    As far as we know, it set up nothing of consequence for the rest of the season except "Joe and Iris are on bed terms.. somehow".

    Has it been confirmed that we don't get Wells (aka "he who could rescue this jumbled mess") in some form this season?
    If so, start counting me out.

    I guess Joe would have been revealed as PAPA FLASH in this timeline sooner or later.
    He became a speedster when hit by lightning while passed out drunk on Grant's Stand Fast Whisky or something he bought from Quick Liquors.

    They could have played it for fun by giving everyone in Flashpoint sharp goaties.

    You know this is the one instance where I wouldn't have minded them going the "it was all a dream (Bobby in the shower)" route to save face instead of the inconsistent rush job (pun intended) this episode was.

    The suit was ok, especially in how the helmet shape mimicked his hairstyle.
    What I didn't like was Luke's stupidity in not trying to disable the power source right away.
    At least it was consistent with his fits of stupidity thoughout the series (hint: a hoodie is not an effective way to conceal your identity in the age

    Didn't read it, but let me guess:
    it's all about herself again, right?

    Shades is supposed to have an dominican background in the comics iIrc.

    There's another Hammer weapon jamming later on in LC (it's of little consequence, so I don't consider it a spoiler).
    I like the little callbacks they seeded besides the on the nose ones refering to the battle of New York.