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    Me thinks the badger is just trolling at this point.

    I really miss Fringe.
    Those joyful innocent times before a certain someone ruined the name "Dunham" for me forever.

    Ah, I see.
    And clearly all Trump voters fall into those category, don't they?
    That is a surefire way to keep him in office for the full eight years.
    Hope you'll enjoy it, 'cause I won't.

    I love the writing, but am starting to have a problem with the deliberately slow pacing.
    I call it the "Better call Saul" effect.

    Actually, calling it "two timelines" is a misnomer, "multiple points in the same timeline" (at least three) would be more accurate.

    That may be because hardcore apologetic TwD fans don't mind having their intelligence insulted with dumpster fake outs and such as long as there's enough blood, guts and brains.
    I envy them, really.

    Oh, blimey, you're bloody right.

    Good, so it's not just me.

    I'm pretty sure by now it was Quentin on the train.

    Re: Artemis hurting Prometheus
    That was either lazy writing catering to the grrrrrl power crowd, or a hint that Prom is indeed multiple people with different levels of certain skills as some have suggested.
    Considering some other moves we've seen him pull, Artemis should be pretty dead.

    He's like the Hillary of superheros.

    With Abbie dead and gone? Meh.

    It can be two things.
    Kovar's son, out for revenge mayhaps?

    Very possible.
    Poor girl can't catch a break.

    That's very likely.
    Don't forget he knows the list, too.

    Prom knows Oliver is the Arrow, and that Oli and Quentin are pretty close, so it'd be logical for him to assume that Lance too knows that Oli is the Arrow and now I've gone cross eyed…

    Possible, but way too similar to the drug/kill/memory loss shit they pulled with Thea killing Sara.
    I hope it's something else.

    They could easily retcon his heart condition and make him an ex-SpecOps or something.
    *mind blown*