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    Not moreso than the opening credits.

    In another, darker timeline Mike was starring in Chicken Run.


    No, it would leave everybody with a -2.

    Why not both?

    In fact, it's 'Meaghan', so in a way, you both were right.
    Her parents must really have hated her.

    Most TWD characters are inconsistent, so I guess yes.

    BM makes me think they have.

    I would not be surprised.

    The red haired Duke Nukem clone.

    She also broke the internet.

    She's basically a troll in everything she does.

    I unsubcribed it as soon as I realized it wasn't about motörhead.

    'Ironically', no doubt.

    Almost as endearing as molesting her little sister.

    Lucky you!

    Must try this.

    Or a few.
    Filmed and posted on YouTube.
    And being recut and mixed to his own music.
    That'd be a great job, internet.

    Will "glittering like a crystal" do?

    The patriarchy put it there.