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    It's supposed to be a "safe space" now, so prepare to kiss 80% of pop culture goodbye.
    It's patriarchal crap rife with micro aggressions and rape jokes anyway.

    Uhm, Slate's XX ("What women are supposed to think") and their chief femsplainer Christina Cauterucci get a "good job, internet"?
    Interesting choice.
    What's next, rehashing Jezebel's snark and bile cesspool?
    How low can you go?

    But I need a specific name and/or acronym for each of the dozens microscopic shades.
    Just imagine if I addressed someone wrong!
    That would be problematic.

    As are most who drink wine (if only they knew, muahahahaa).

    But not within a few generations. Evolution doesn't work this fast.

    I'm convinced twitter was invented to skim off the assholes, so the rest of us could continue to have civilized conversations with more than 140 chars.
    Continued observation only seems to confirm this.

    Careful, you almost hurt a couple of strawmen there.

    Also penicillin, vaccinations, birth control.

    Seriously fuck this.
    I thought this was a safe space from the gender war.

    You're right, but I wouldn't call her nasty.

    Nope, the whole cast essentially played non-characters.

    It's not like the movie is getting any better from it.

    Guess most of them are made of straw.


    Free will?
    I heard she was forced with money!


    Try and make me!

    Agreed, but while the slow burn worked for the story they were telling, they may have to up the tempo for the road trip season(s).

    But to be fair, there's plenty of stuff in the comics that would translate terribly to the screen.