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    Maybe de-sexed, but who's to say angels/demons need "sex" to procreate?
    Until stated otherwise, I still believe they're Genesis' "parents", who were condemned to guard it forever as punishment for their "transgression".

    E.g. revealing the Cowboy's name, or rather title, it seems.

    Unless one doesn't want to.

    Yeah, as much as I usually enjoy AVCLUB, it's a pity that neither the reviewer nor some of the commenters give a fuck about possible spoilers.
    Not even marking them most of the time.

    Moreso, he was the boss of the gods, and father of Thor.

    Spoilers, guys, please.

    Would you expect an ex-grrrl to get it, really?

    To controversial for today's kids, I'm afraid.

    Just picture her trinking tea from a "male tears" mug during the interview, it makes much more sense then.

    Maybe that was the whole point.
    Evidence can be so… distracting.

    They could just as well rigged said "robot" with a fuckload of tear gas.

    Guess it doesn't matter anymore after Dallas.
    Guess somebody took the "taking action" the wrong way.
    Or the right way, depending on your point of view.

    People get evil without proper access to coffee.
    I know I would.

    Yes it should be, and in a perfect world it would.

    You're right.
    I'll try to slip in an apology if the occasion arises.

    I'm biting my tounge so hard not to make a Clinton joke aaaand failed.

    Why not simply spell out the implicid "too" and avoid a shit load of (willful) misunderstandings or wrong interpretations?
    Is twitter's letter limit to blame?
    It seems to banalise and harm a whole lot of social discussions that NEED to be had.

    How many applied?

    Not in this cultural appropriaten cluster fuck.

    They were going with Comic Sans, but decided otherwise in the last minute.