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    Didn't you hear?
    Dorne sank off screen Atlantis style complete with it's fleet and the sand snakes between episodes 4 and 5, never to be mentioned again.

    Money's not the only issue, but as it's getting near the end, the CGI post production alone is a factor that can't be accelerated indefinitly without losing quality.

    Could be worse.
    Imagine you told your siblings that you would not start watching the show until the books were finished..

    Jon could still be legitmized as a Stark, but would need some kind of king to do so.

    The preview prominently featured the red wedding, so there may be some Freys involved in EP 10.

    That, too.

    Yeah, maybe.

    On fire, literally.

    Yeah, in a way, he won.
    I wonder of they transfer some of Lady Stoneheart's storyline to her..

    It's exciting, for all we know she could burn down all of KL, depending on if the political meandering there still plays a role in the endgame against the Walkers (I don't think it does).

    No, he didn't know about them coming to Mereen.
    He's off to ralley support in Westeros or to reconnect with some of his folks.
    From the books, I have an idea who it might be, though I hoped they'd drop that storyline from the show.

    Kurgan in "Highlander".

    Yeah, plus now he can recycle all of his old "no dick" jokes, even while Varys is away.

    They could mention in passing that Dorne recently sank Atlantis style, with every last soul and its entiry fleet.

    He might learn the uncomfortable truth that Shireen's death paid for Jon's life.

    Indeed, she's joining Dany and Cersei in the (slightly) mad queen club.

    "There is one called Jon Snow among them. Remember our agreement, Bolton. The boy is mine."

    She didn't know if they'd arive in 30 minutes, a day, a week or at all.

    Tyrion is happy.
    Now he gets to do eunuch jokes even when Varys is away.

    Dunno, that CGI beard is impressive.