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    He had one job.

    Speaking roles are expensive.

    Dany: Does your offer also include a marriage proposal?

    Seriously, could somebody just have given WunWun an inprovised armour and a fricking tree?

    The paper also had the typical "raven letter" format.

    He might like it, so no.

    We prefer to be called Differently Alive.

    Maybe that fat lazy dogs of his will get a final poetic snack.

    I'd like the turn, but am afraid Shaggydog took one for the team.

    Yeah, I hope we'll see him at least swing a horse before he goes out.

    Or what the word's shape is actually supposed to be.

    There will only be one more, not counting the show finale.

    I heard something about a cut to 1st person before the club hits, but that's just too ridiculous to believe.

    And probably among the most expensive, which he may well be in danger.
    Poor giant.

    The guy in the clip sounds incredibly bored.

    *rubs Internet's nose in Simpsonwave*

    She may willingly go down with the flames if Tommen is dead, mirrowing the scene with Dany in the temple, except she doesn't walk out alive.

    The old woman woman was likey one who commited suicide in the House of B/W, and thus "donated" her body/face to them.

    What an underwhelming episode in regards to funky theories.

    That's what the Waif said.