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    GRRM actually went with the thino-horn dildo in the books.
    Lena Hadey objected vehemently, so they changed it to the stockpile(s) in the show.

    Also: why show what was likely neither a very long nor spectacular fight.
    The Waif was dead as soo as Arya cut the candle, and both girl knew it.

    Nope, when she failed to convince the Blackfish, the deal with Jamie was off, and she knew it.

    She completed her training, left and the FM are cool with it, but she has no access to the faces in the hall.

    And hurray to that!
    I'm having trouble seeing the KL storyline going anywhere significant now that the WW start approaching.

    Tipsy Missandei was fun!

    We're all unworthy.

    "I prefer chicken." *dropmike*

    For me there's hardly any juice left in the whole KL/Lanister/Faith storyline, so they might as well have it go with a boom.

    At this point, there'd be literally nothing left of Caitlin to find and resurrect.
    Sorry, that ship has sailed.

    I don't think the king or the sparrow could deny it,

    This week however, Hound has a literal axe to grind with the Brotherhood w/o Banners, so expect some banners to get torn apart.
    More like Brotherhood w/o heads or limbs, right?

    Looking forward to see both Cleganes wrecking havoc, just not in the same place for the time being.

    There's a pretty good thoery downthread that the Faith would have nothing to gain from winning the trial against Cersei.

    Now you mention it, I'm kind of worried about Varys.
    When the new Red Priestess twisted his balls (I'm sure he felt phantom pain in that scene), his mask cracked for the first time I can remember since he told his story to Tyrion.
    Hope that doesn't mean his arc is ending.

    It would explain the strange looks of the folks in the crowd though:
    "Uh, that's the blind oyster girl who used to beat herself up by the bridge with a stick once a day. Keep away from her, she's clearly nuts."

    Cue Chekhov's wildfire staches.

    Especially if she's partly responsible.

    It can be two things.
    Or something in between.

    Yes it's him.
    I rewatched some of his scenes from Season 1 and can't unsee it.
    Totally Syrio's stance in the conversation with the sailors. Hands behind his back, that smirk.
    Only way to make it more obvious would be to have her/him say "Just so.".