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    Love the idea.
    She wouln'd need much convincing tough, just a bag of gold and a script.
    "Live" audition.

    Adorably openminded.

    You're right of course.
    But the need to know how it goes on is too strong for me sometimes.

    I just laughed out loud trying to visulize thas.

    Ok, I forgot.
    I'll allow this twist.

    Yeah, but what better way to attone his sins than fighting/dying for The Faith?
    The HS is a sick little puppy, I bet he'll come up with something twisted.

    We never got Shae's complete backstory, did we?
    Sister maybe?

    I'll allow him getting eaten by his dogs, after Sansa cut his lips so he can't whistle then off.

    Whereas the "odds maker" doesn"t even seem to watch the previews.

    Begs the question how anyone could use her face if she's still alive.

    Then eat.

    I'd rather watch Life of Brian or Dogma again,so I guess I'm not the target audience.

    4 Nails 4 Glory

    Still better than 90% on what Gibson made.

    I'm sure she only did it ironically.

    Replace "cannot" with "do not dare" and you may be on to something.

    Yeah, the original is a small marvell, but they CGI'ed it in a way to look as if it would not be possible to do mechanically.
    Same with the ghost/mirror effects, which usually only work from a certain point of view, but still were there when the camera moved around the stage.

    Which also totally killed "The Illusionist" for me.

    I see.

    I forsee expansions of what is considered rape and "support of rapists" in the future.