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    Times change though. Who knows what would be acceptable to say/think in a few years?

    How so?

    Hope you don't have any concerts planed with your band, because they're about to get canceled.

    Great, so people will just stay silent on the Internet, but still think and act the same IRL.
    Can't see how this is progress exactly.

    All hail the slippery sloap.

    Who says there isn't one?

    Says everyone.

    Everything is awesome!

    There's sweet mustard, too.

    And later sold Gendry to the Red Woman.

    Yeah, it took him days to be almost dead, which technically is still a bit alive.

    Maybe she wasn't out for a kill?

    And she chose .. poorly.

    It was a nice mirror of Bran in Winterfell after Robb went off to war.

    Her half smile at the end of that scene was impressive.

    Nothing, provided the right plot armour.
    But why?
    To put her out of order for some episodes so the real showdown can be placed in the finale?

    I see who you did there.

    McShane pretty much spoiled in an interview, that "his character would help bring back a fan favourite believed to be dead".

    And somehow getting her last child killed in the process.
    Would Margaery kill Tommen in revenge for her grandmother and/or Loras?