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    "Either way, one face is added to the hall."

    To be fair, in a world with dragons, magic and (ice) zombies, the idea of a miracle medicine is not so far fetched.

    Probably, but they will have to hurry to get her back into shape in three episodes.

    Saves CGI costs, too.
    Win-win, basically.

    He probably had words with his manager about that.

    I'd be game for a Game of Thrones/Assassin's Creed crossover.

    Depends on the sandwiches.

    Or send a letter directly to Robin telling him what an asshole his "uncle" is and that he murdered both his parents.

    Guess that's what will happen.
    I still don't see how we get her in the rooftop jumping scene (from the season trailer) anytime soon.

    Why leave it so ambigious?
    I guess this is one of the countless red herings GMMR placed thoughout the books, to pursue or abandon at will.

    Sadly, it soon became obvious they were doomed in some way.
    Either lose their best builder/woodchopper/scarecrow to go fighting his big brother, or get slaughtered.

    I'm still leaning towards her writing to LF, but I like your theory and would like to see it play out.

    It's never made clear what The Faith has been doing so far in preperation for the trial by combat.
    Before todays episode, I thought they might have been searching for a champion of their own since Cersei announced it.
    Maybe word got to a small monestary on some Isle, that the Faith was looking for someone to fight The

    Yeah, it was well done. I laughed seeing that one guy carrying the log on his own.
    As far as I remember, there was only one cold open so far, in the very first episode.

    "If you're not with us, you're against us."

    Even with Olena safely away, I'm sure Margeary's plan will backfire.

    Next season maybe.

    Some actresses rum may come in handy now.

    Whoever's behind the Brotherhood at this point has clearly gone of the rails.
    The Faith and the Crown have joined ranks, which would make them legitimate targets in the eyes of a mad(wo)man.

    Would upvote, but don't want to destroy the current nine upvotes/content synergy.