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    That was 2 or 3 Mountain actors ago?

    Yeah, they do this a lot, but not reliably so.
    I expected a Lady Stoneheart reveal, way back in "Mhysa", alas, no such luck.

    It's just a flesh wound.

    Broken man could also refer to Loras or Edmure.

    To be fair, most of those deaths came pretty much out of the blue.

    While I don't think he'd pass up a chance to get even with his brother, I doubt it will now for Cersei's trial.

    Well, the FM's price is relative, but always substantial to the client.

    Maestars and dragons are another interesting connection.

    It would explain a lot, tough.

    Two front war: ice zombies from the north, fire dragons from the east.
    News at six.

    One might argue that it's needlessly drawn out in the books.

    Yeah, burn them all!
    Seems Viseriy was the sane one after all.

    Hell yeah.
    Also, he could get one up at Cersei, and possibly retreat back to the church on the isle after killing two birds with one stone.

    That would be unfortunate.


    I think he meant it.
    Arya was never meant to complete the FM training (which would include losing her very identity), but just to earn enough skills to get along her real quest, i.e. the list.

    Let's be frank, Jamie was fired rightfully.
    He was a terrible Kingsguard, having 3 (!) kings killed under his watch, one by himself even.

    I advise caution.
    Also, phrasing!

    For the more elaborate version of events one can always pick up the books, if/when they come around.

    And John Harrison is absolutly not Khan.