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    In providing a weapon against the WW and/or leveling King's Landing "accidently".
    Either way, I'd be fine.
    They should either make the squabbeling in KL matter to the big picture or cut loses (see: Dorne).

    I've seen little kittens dominating huge dogs, that would have been cute!

    Sentinent White Walker, I'd assume.

    Yeah, she'll skip town with the troupe.
    You don't hire Richard E. fucking Grant for just 10 minutes.
    See also: "Mercy" preview chapter from WoW.

    "One way or the other, a face will be added to the hall."
    I'm sure he doesn't really care who is killed as long as the overall bitching level decreases.

    The Faith could appoint someone as their champion who Cersei doesn't want dead.
    Guess, she could always cancel the request for tbc and have a regular trial.

    "She wants to get her brother out of there, and she doesn't want to do the walk of atonement."
    I fear the HS is setting her up for a hard choice here.

    Yeah, totally faking.
    But at the same time, maybe underestimating the HS, which will bite her (and/or Tommen and/or Loras) in the ass big time.

    re 3+4:
    the director could just fire her to get rid of her, the other actress can't.
    I guess Arya is correct in her assessment she hired the FM.
    Jaqen made it clear that the MFG comes for everyone whether they "deserve" dead or not (by whos moral compass anyway?), and so do the FM.

    That would be interesting, but I think the Faith is the only completely made up religion in Westeros (along with the drowned god possibly, but who cares about him?).
    It only has power, because people thinks it does, which is a prevailing theme in GoT.

    Yep, Cerseis much too cocksure about her trial by mountain, and yeah, I guess we are set up for a big twist there:
    - possibly the faith will apoint a fighter who Cersei doesn't want to see dead, so she cancels the fight herself
    - or Margaery brings forth new evidence against Cersei.
    On the other hand, we shouldn't

    Expect Bran now, possibly.
    Either way, I'm confident Chekhov's wildfire won't be wasted.

    Very Unlikely.
    That said, I'm sure he'll get under the wheels somewhere along that storyline, and Cersei will be at least indirectly responsible for his death.

    Who is this 'Martin' guy?
    It's not like the mere existence of the books is acknowledged around here.

    I'm sure something like this might happen, Cersei is much too cocksure to win her trial.

    I wonder if she'll spoil Cersei's trial by combat.

    Are we sure he even remembers her?

    The elk would have been cool, but even more expensive than the direwolves and, frankly, just gimmicky.

    I'm not greedy ans would be ok with just two Frey pies.

    But does she know?
    If anything, Cat will be pretty pissed that Brienne left Sansa's side again after she found her.