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    Still better than what he allegedly feeds them in the books.

    Case in point:
    didn't Jaqen invite her to join to kill of her list more efficiently in the first place?

    I rather think it's a setup for Tommen's (or their both) death(s), though I have no idea how that will play out exactly.

    Cat was never the brightest candle on the cake, also, amateur zombiefication didn't help.

    On the books, it's alluded to that she's much older then she appears, so you may be at least half right.

    It's really the only way.
    Arya may get lucky and kill the waif, but I can't see her successfully running from the FM foe long.

    You mean she will take her Face/Off?

    The one I refer to as Sister Mary Elephant.
    But then again, I'm ancient.

    Didn't it?

    I heard Bran farted during another vision and thus caused the destruction of Old Valyria.

    So far, the movie's only selling point seems to be Grrlpower (and confusingly, vagina jokes).
    It's like the Hillary Clinton of SF movies.

    Besides straight up mind control?

    Get of my lawn!

    Sounds like something they'd come up with.
    Personally, I could do withouth yet another speedster villain.

    Did Thawn kill Wells before or after he killed Barry's mom?

    I guess the repercussions of Barry fucking up shit again saving his mother will kickstart season 3, same as him opening the portals in the S1 finale.

    Oh, yes please.

    Legends of tomorrow reloaded.

    Ok, so happy I'm not the only one getting the "inside world" vibe!
    Besides the possibility of wacky connections it makes one wonder how the change of seasons work.

    I'm sure we will. The actress did nude scenes before.