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    But will they pay the gold or the iron price?

    It's in IMDB's cast info for next week at least.

    At this point, every explanation is more or less educated speculation.
    Neither the Raven, nor GRRM laid out clear rules for the interaction of greenseeing and warging.
    Until then, we'll have to live with the 'somehows', frustrating as it may be.

    Temporal short circuit, with Bran as conductor.

    Not to confuse you even more, but I'm sure it was Wylis holding the door in the very end, lucid again.

    Quite the opposite:
    they made her a woman in the show, only so she can strip down and carter to the male gaze and patriarchy in general.
    (case in point: Ania Bukstein has done nude scenes before)

    With the same actor who already played him as an adult in S1?

    Cougar fight.

    Didn't you mean the Red God now has Jon and Dany for his war?

    I had the impression that he was lucid at the very end.

    Educated guess:
    she "quits" her training and escapes with the troupe.

    I assume they'll drop most of the Night's King's background story, as they did with the 3ER.
    So, random guy.
    Or a Stark ancestor, if they feel fancy.

    Agree completely.
    Bran basically caused a kind of temporal short circuit in Wylis' mind.

    Oh, BbtW?
    Interesting, if legit.
    Also: young Ned yet again? More ToJ?

    That's how I understand it, too.
    They can view the past, with very, very limited interaction.

    I completely agree with your first paragraph.
    It was always the Raven's plan to bring Bran to that place in time when the shit hits the fan by the cave.

    No way will they do that on the show, and thank the gods for that.

    I fear she'll go her father's (honorable) way, with similar outcome.
    Her refusing LF's army, as understandable as it may be in her situation, may be the first sign of this.

    Yep, it's pretty clear they don't expect to meet again.