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    I rather think the fact that we saw his projection vanish in the vision is a strong indicator that he died, mind and body.

    I'm guessing she'll kill her "trainer" at some point.

    Right, I forgot about the hot springs and such.
    Hopefully they'll elaborate a bit on the crypts.

    Not in all threads, though.

    If she does so, I have a suspicion who they'll send after her.

    Or Tormund's.

    As in "Fuck the door, get me away from here!"

    Jeah, well played, show.

    Isn't it even suggested that Winterfell is some kind of hot spot?

    Oh, he didn't say how big those thousand "ships" should be.
    We could be looking at the worlds largest rowing boat fleet in two episodes.

    Yeah, and he had years to figure out which door.
    Well played.

    You had one job!

    Ok, I was wondering why BR was actually stalling this time instead of just pulling the plug like before..

    But he surely doesn't need all of his limbs for that?

    Benjen was in the first Winterfell vision, so I'm carefully hopeful.

    Rickon's actor confirmed this, sadly.

    Thinking ahead doesn't seem to be their style, see them creating the white walkers as a WMD against the humans, without planing how to pull the plug in case of a peaceful accord.

    It probably will, might be another door though.

    I guess they checked with GRRM which direwolves could be written out or substituted.

    They had those fancy bombs, could easily made dragon glass shrapnel grenades.
    Go with the times, little green guys!