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    There'a always Nymeria, aka Chekhov's direwolf.

    He may not be what she wants, but maybe what she needs.

    Losing both his avatars in one blow sure sucks.
    Coldhands is a possibility now.
    Getting my hopes up since they basically re-introduced Benjem some episodes ago.

    Well, that was unexpected.

    Also called "The Eva Green Show".
    Which is not a bad thing.

    Secret Tagaryan?

    That made me realize we need a Grimm/iZombie crossover!

    Yeah, Bitsie could totally pull that off.
    In fact, she could play the whole main cast except Art.

    Hoping for a baby fuchsbau.

    Yeah, now that Juliet is "back", it remains to be seen if she was also healed from her "wesenness".
    Anyway, love triangle, here we come.

    A little girl trying to rape her parents, that's a new one.

    And I thought they smell bad on the outside.


    In a wookie?

    It not just a job, it's an art, a calling.
    You don't stop being a barista because you stop serving coffee.

    Would it be too ironic to have her pop up on Flash next week just to be killed of by Zoom?

    WIngs are the new capes.

    To be fair, the helmet had a very distinctive pattern of dents and bullet holes, I buy that one.
    The piece of paper enduring the times, not so much.

    Too many words. Would have been fine for Snart, though.

    I expected an old Rip going all Doc Brown on them.