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    Too be fair, they were not too annoying this episode.

    You see what he did there.

    Savage's time ship must be a clown car of sorts if all his minions fit inside.

    In a season that was nearly perfect, expect for Summer Glau's villian costume.

    Strong Vampire Willow vibe there.

    The Mirror Master being Earth Two Quentin Lance.

    To be fair, the ability to punch portals anywhere is helping.

    Yeah, and they made it clear she's not the brightest candle on the cake, so why tell her the secret masterplan?

    I'm not looking forward to Jesse killing Caitlin while under Reverse Flash's mind control next season, thank you so very much.

    In fact everybody knows Barry is the Flash.
    Those who arent "officially told" just play along and pretend not to know to humor Barry.

    The Flash had the advantage of using a clean slate, and nailed it.

    2 Zoom 2 Flash

    Bedroom Diana is the new Ceiling Cat.

    I'd be ok with this.
    He doesn'T deserve a dramatic death scene, he should be simply put down like the rabid dog that he is.

    Also fire superiority.

    I'd like d), but the DNA matching company's connection is dubious at best.

    Well, the robot worms do on-the-fly genetic manipulation, so that's on the table.
    Possibly they did that to Adele to appear as Felix' sister?
    Anyways, it was stupid for Felix to compromise the safe hpuse like this, even if she was real.

    Well, so much for a trimmed down, less chaotic season..

    Thank you, kind sir.

    I meant Kit and Sophie, who have seen each only other on promo events since season 1.