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    Yep, I read it in the meantime and stand corrected.

    I guess the temple was well oiled.
    The guys didn't smell it because their noses probably gave up years ago.

    I'm pretty sure they hugged once the camera went out.

    A bit rushed, but handled better than the "Pink Letter" from the books

    Yeah, team Torienne!

    She won the moment the old queens bowed to her.

    Guess the huge fire may attract at least one of them.

    CGI body double, otherwise phantastic.

    Also, nice for the actors to be actually working together again.

    I couldn't have guessed how much enjoyable the Mereen crew turned out to be.

    So effortlessly, too.

    And she fucking fought a fucking bear with a fucking wooden sword!
    If those two aren't made for each other, I know nothing.

    I'd so watch a Brienne/Tormund spin off!

    Too soon.

    True, but it's still bumming that everyone who's served their purpose is just killed of quickly (or rowing to Old Valyria for all we know).

    Rickon's actor spoiling that it was really Shaggydog's head the Umbers presented was another one.
    Still makes me wonder why Osha let herself be taken alive in the first place.

    No, the sick bastard does not deserve a dramatic death, he might even get off on that.
    Cut throat, drop mic.
    Let out the dogs.

    At least she got our hopes up for 5 minutes.

    Still haven't played or spoilt me on the last episode.
    Is it worth it?
    Or just more "should A or B die?" and "doesn't change shit anyway"?

    The prop knife was obviously pretty dull, I was half expecting him to slip and cut his finger.