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    He's dearly missed, as is Tywin.
    Villians went flat, see Ramsay and the dudebro Dothraki.

    The sick puppy that he is would probably enjoy that.
    No, quick knife to the throat, than turn around and leave.
    That guy doesn't deserve a drawn out kill scene.

    But is it bad enough?

    Pretty sure he's immune against any STD floating around in Westeros by now.

    Meh, if Shaggydog is really dead, so will be Osha.

    "When I put it in my butt, it looks like I am pooping gold. 5 STARS!!!"

    Mildly optimistic.

    Another revolution eats its children, I guess?

    But everyone should be, so I don't stand out anymore!

    I doubt it's so clear cut for her.

    It's hard to raise the stakes for the endgame beyond worldwide annihilation.
    Buffy played this for laughs ("What's the plural of "apocalypsy?"), but Arrow needs to "downscale" a bit.

    Unless R+L secretly married.

    I'm thinking Rickon's pretty safe, even a dick like Ramsay should have learned by now that it doesn't pay to treat important hostages poorly.
    I'm a bit worried about Osha though..

    I have the fleeting hope it's all an elaborate hoax by the Umbers to gain Ramsey's trust.
    What they presented was just a random big dark dog's head.
    Shaggy's alive and well hidden away until he is needed.
    Preferably to chew up whatever Osha leaves of him after she cut of some parts.

    He was called "Tooth of the Beaver" - don't ask.

    No, but they piss and shit (thankfully omitted on screen).
    They apparently get a boner though, 'cause all that blood's gotta go somewhere.

    What's so bad about stretching a hole?

    Lucky you.

    I don't think the Faith is very fond of kingslaying, but still possible.
    Oh, the irony, when Tommen is killed by the very weapon Cersei forged.

    I think the many of the prophesies and visions will be revealed to be either misunderstood, or even straight up manipulation by whoever "send" them.