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    Can't make a pie without breaking some Frey.

    I'd actually prefer this to Zombiemountain killing him.

    Gideon was built/programmed by the Time Masters, so surely Savage may have some override.
    Think Robocop secret directive.

    Possibly the White Walkers will bow to him, instead of rushing to kill him.
    He's the new Night King. Or something.

    Completely forgot about her.
    How could I?

    I don't think he did.

    +10 Poison Damage
    +25 "I showed my tits" bonus

    "Legends of Tomorrow?"

    I love her, but fuck Scarlett in GitM and the horse she rode in with.

    I don't think Eve's Changnesia will last.

    The whole season was.
    They made me hate Felicity, damnit!

    It's a girl's show, so of course the guys are either hunks or dorks.

    Everyone familiar with the Martian already knew, and everyone else doen't care.

    Thanks, wasn't aware of her.

    Killing off another well liked blonde in the season opener?
    I'd think they learned that lesson, but who knows?

    Addicts be addicts, I rest my case.

    Up to the point were treats or catnip are involved, at least.

    I kinda hoped he would eat it Game of Thrones style.

    What show?

    Please don't use both names in one sentence.