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    He sure is, but I doubt he shares Chuck's classist views of what makes a "real lawyer".
    He seems too pragmatic for that.

    Well, Howard is still a lawyer, isn't he?
    But seriously, I don't think he shares Chuck's opinion what makes a "real" lawyer.
    In fact, I could even imagine him not being opposed to getting Jimmy on board, but being overruled by Chuck.

    My bullshit detector ran wild when Hamlin said "the senior partners voted" not to get Jimmy on board. I just didn't want to believe it until Jimmy figured it out.
    I wouldn't be surprised im Harrison actually was in favour of Jimmy and was overruled by Chuck and the other senior.

    I thought of him as Walt light immediately.

    "But physically?"
    She was called "the Texan Twig" on angel for a reason.


    Ba na na, Ba na na na, Ba na na, Ba na na na,
    Bananaaaahaa, Bananaaaaaahaaa

    Meh, all my cloning needs are saturated with Orphan Black.
    Only 29 more days to go..

    Fifty Shades of Green?

    Shado was an operative of Weller the whole time.
    Her death on the island was orcastrated to drive Slade over the edge.
    Or something.

    Aka they got better lawyers and PR.

    He wrote the checks out to himself and then simply cashed them.

    Even if I wouldn't love the hell out of BCS (and BB), there would be no way around appreciating that rare craftmanship.

    Having not seen this episode yet, I though of yet another SLJ cameo.
    Then I remembered they could impossibly afford it.

    Copyright stuff seldom makes sense from a creative point of view.
    Remember when the James Bond franchise couldn't use the name Blofeld for decades until reaching a settlement in 2013?

    "Ah, not again!"
    á la Robot Chicken DC comics special

    Would make sense storywise, also the scanner in the model car is something I can imagine Tony to cook up.

    Don't worry.
    There are already so many slow burners planted in this show, they need upwards room with the grades once those start to explode.

    With half a dozen shots.