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    Something, something, diving suit?

    Agents of Gotham?

    EJO as in Edward James Olmos?
    Totally missed that, there may still be hope for this show.

    She could play ber own granddaughter who falls in love with Cap.
    That would be not creepy at all, no sir!

    Agent Needsnovibrator

    I fear it'll be Chuck's death that sends Jimmy into full Slippin' Jim/Saul Goodman mode.

    The episode was great, but imagine what may be in store when some of the slow burners ignite.

    I feel they're building layers and layers and get ready for the first big payoff.

    Or the show in general.

    They are external, but not caused by electricity, but by his disappointment in Slippin' Jimmy.

    I wonder what Jimmy did 18 month ago to trigger Chuck's condition im the first place.

    What about the poor, lonely salmon ladder?

    There's no way I'll even consider accepting Laurel as Canary before she masters the Salmon Ladder.
    No way.

    Youtube says: all the time.

    I'll pass on Tony and Rachel, otherwise no preferences.

    I see a shadow of Gotham-level subtlety.

    I find my peace of mind in pretending they're put in stasis as soon as the door closes.

    Which is a pretty big "besides" imo.

    I hope our bitch with wifi gets back on track.

    I'd go for willfully ignorant.
    Think Gordon in TDK and DKR.