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    I expected nothing less from Travolta, but it's hard to forgive Forest Whitaker for being in this mess.

    That's his weakness:
    he can't do super speed unless a camera is directed at him.
    Kind of like reverse stage fright.

    Two or three time, iIrc.
    Not that it had any use.

    Ironically, the absence of Masi Oka may be good for the show.
    I remember him being much to powerfull, so they had to "cripple" him time after time (banned to different timelline, lost memory, reverted to 8yo self) to compensate.

    Stabbed them with her hip bones.

    Patience, my friend.

    Here, have a Kleenex.

    Which makes one wonder about the details and logistics of said prison.
    Do they even have buckets, let alone showers?
    Who feeds/cares for them?
    Or are they in some kind of suspended animation so they don't care either way?

    As much as Iris continues to get on my nerves, I hope she doesn't end up as a "motivation" for Thawne.

    I bet they have dozens of those mountains all over the world for whenever some poor sod may try to challenge the boss.

    Well, the episode before "The Return" is called "Canaries" (plural), which gives us something to hope for.

    I found "beloved" more fitting considering his age, and the significance.
    Beloved > Girffriend/Boyfriend

    Merlyn would be fine with either outcome, but I'm leaning towards the second.
    Not even Oliver himself thought he could defeat Ra's.

    Right, forgot about the mob connection (or wasn't there a russian guy in the sub on the island).

    I'm more into cooking than comics, so i always think of Raʾs al-Ḥānūt.

    The Hong Kong flashbacks are basically a retcon of seasons one and two.
    They even changed the intro monologue from "five years on an island" to "five years in hell".
    I really hope they don't try to shoehorn much more backstory into those 5 years.

    The "Lazarus Pit" is acctually an ordinary saua.

    Here we go.
    It's the Reichenbach Fall all over again.
    Hope team Arrow has a better fakeout.

    Future Eddie maybe.
    I hope they don't go the decendant's route in the TV show.

    Not really disappointed that they leave some of the more more outlandish stuff where it belongs: in the comics.