lumpy rutherford

casey while possessed said something to the effect of "… women aren't his thing" a few episodes back

thank you. I'm trying to get out of the habit of googling everything and back in the habit of having good old old school conversations where people just share what they know without resorting to Wikipedia FOR EVRYTHING. thanks again

Isaac is walking home and runs into his dad Abraham who is really pissed off.
Dad why so pissed off?
Fucking computer won't upload or download so I'm going to smash it with a hammer!!!
Don't do that, you just need a bigger ram.
(terrible y2k era joke)
a better one
Higgs Bosson walks into a church,
a priest stops him and says

I can't upload episode 4 but the nuns might be singing the music played at the ritual, meaning, that the eminence is possessed by the demon that was exorcised by the nuns and marcus.

when marcus temporarily displaced the demon from casey, the following scene is the police commissioner receiving a demon at the ritual. were they the same demon or did he get the upside down eyed demon from mexico?

if this show had gone full throttle on what us old farts remember of the original, nobody would watch the show. in some ways I think this is why the initial neilsen numbers were low and might remain there, as I'm sure more people are watching it the day after with the pause button on the ready and with eyes from

he is all that we are afraid to be.
kind of timely during that odd election stateside,,, can you imagine if everyone in the u.s took a marcus stand last year and demanded real leaders to stand at the lectern.
become marcus when you want to tell your employer what they really are
become marcus when you want to blurt the

What do you make of Doctor Rexroth (is it a play on King Roth, of Rothschild or King Rothari who later ruled the relatively new Christian Romans?)

I'm going to re-watch the episode with the nuns exorcising the fellow in their special way,,, what were they singing? same song?

re-watch episode 5 when angela is neurotically cleaning the kitchen, then freeze the frame when she catches a glimpse of her reflection in the window (that is one scary face in a dread inspiring anti-suspense,, the feeling something's afoot but really amiss). I don't think angela is clean so to speak.

you don't buy a Ouija board, it must be gifted

great line from a great fearless character. I really liked the ending of the first episode where we get to hear tubular bells and the sight of marcus donning his Indiana jones black fedora off to tackle a demon a la Bruce Willis in Die Hard, Rambo in Rambo, Ash in the Evil Dead,, marcus is the new fearless piss &

Raptors have wings too.
Regardless, wasn't Lucifer cast down from the heavens from being hyper-righteous and pointing out what was to become of us (and later going on to prove "his" point,,, I'm not sure what Lucifer identifies as in this politically correct world; male Satan identifying as a male Satan, a cis-Satan?).

I just took some unleavened bread covered it with gefilte fish and olives,,, I think I'm going to call it Jesus Chrust.

I'm hoping for more episode three writing, more allegoriness.

what is the take on satan by muslims? serious question. I could google it but I enjoy the conversational aspect of this forum.

and not only was the phone number wrong but her eyes are not blue as posted on her poster. the gal who screwed up that printing also informed Thomas of a pack of dogs in north Chicago.

she said in an earlier episode that she can't bare children,,, my guess is maria thinks that being possessed might get her a very hot bun in the oven with mr. walters or someone. heir to the walters fortune, et al?


i know, I think fox were thinking of cancelling before seeing the ratings and personal reviews,, so we ended up with episodes being spliced for a short run, then when things looked favorable more episodes were released. imo, this is why the shows this season sometimes seem disjointed and out of storyline cadence. had