lumpy rutherford

which now leads me to think, music wise; the composer is Armenian and there was an genocidal astrocity just over 100 years ago committed by turkey. though not as large as ww2 it was a true herod like slaughter. from Wikipedia about the composer; During the Armenian Genocide—along with hundreds of other Armenian

I found the lake scene mini-temporary-exorcism somewhat refreshing not just in a baptism way but refreshing away from the stuffiness of being inside, inside the city, inside the house, inside the morgue, inside the parish, inside the banquet, inside the colour beige.

I always get komitas confused with arvo part who for film buffs has his music in Let There be Blood. For Music's sake or a musical offering; https://www.youtube.com/wat…

and here on cello. I think in the show they adjusted the pitch.

Though, not sure how many of you were about age 11 or 12 when nightstalker was on Friday nights. Fox might want to reconsider the show for a night when the youngins aren't up,,, oh right, it's no longer 1976 and the mini-ennials have tablets, my bad.
Anyhoo, imo push for 90 minute episodes for better cadence of

I'm not sure, but that little blurb from Wikipedia on the composer "a priest" like marcus an orphan brought to a church and ordained, and then later in life suffers ptsd and the agony of soul till death is some fine non-fiction to extract from.

The music for those interested;

sometimes it seems that the network were going to cancel so scenes were used from later episodes that we weren't going to see and then story lines seem jumbled. I hope fox realizes they have a hit on their hands that takes care of the other viewership outside of the precious millennial target audience, in other words

I didn't like the cgi dust in the cult scene and wished the series would note that both the acting and cinematography alone captures the spook element nicely. That being said, the fallen priest from episode 1 and then as the emissary in the ritual scene fucking nailed it ( no easter pun intended),, I mean for a short

or no-godnik

There's a theme I can't quite pinpoint of all the episodes, I think it might be grace or thankfulness (or lack thereof) but not completely sure.

or a demon to be trapped

November 4th is the next episode?
The Horror
The Horror

I adjure you, ancient serpent, by the judge of the living and the
dead, by your Creator, by the Creator of the whole universe, by
Him who has the power to consign you to hell, to depart forthwith
in fear, along with your savage minions, from this servant of
God, N., who seeks refuge in the fold of the Church. I adjure

I'm going to yell this bit of an exorcism at kids passing my house on Halloween, with this playing from my HiFi on a perpetual loop, it will be grand https://www.youtube.com/wat…

more but interesting;

I really hate looking for this stuff, but, oh well-here goes and apparently it has since been revised in 99. This is just a snippet of the whole shebang.

WAIT! don't watch it now, watch it when you are really sick with fever/flu and hopped up on cough medicine. trusssst me, you will enjoy it much much more.

Chicago is home to the mercantile exchange. lotsa slaughterhouses, stockyards,, haven't been there in 20 years but the cicero neighbourhood was probably the most bleak place I have ever been at night time. I liked this episode but not for the exorcism,, i'll elaborate after I watch the episode again.